Android phones are getting features that iPhones have had for years

Android phones are getting features that iPhones have had for years

With Android 13 you will be able to change the brightness of the flashlight, a feature that has been available on Apple devices for much longer. Google is working on the necessary tools in Android 13, but it still needs some effort from smartphone manufacturers.

Android 13 Flashlight

You may wonder what really is the main purpose of the flash that is always present on every Android phone. Of course it can come in handy in certain cases when shooting in the dark, but in many situations such a small flash fails to take really good images.

In practice, I turn off the flash in the camera app by default, but use the LED light mainly as a flashlight in the dark. Just like with iOS phones, Google now wants to roll out a function that allows users to control the brightness of the flashlight themselves, it knows Esper† Now it happens all too often that you blind people around you because the flashlight shines with full brightness unnecessarily.


Google plans to roll out the improvement in Android 13 and is working on new APIs that will allow for brightness levels for the flashlight. There is one hurdle for users looking for a better flashlight, however, as smartphone manufacturers will have to update their camera software. And of course not all brands will be willing to do this. We can expect the feature to be available on Google’s Pixels.

There are already some Android manufacturers that have made their own system with which their users can adjust the brightness of the flashlight. The feature has been available for some time on Samsung phones. Finally, we are very curious: what do you use the LED on the back of your phone for the most? As a flash for the camera or as a flashlight in the dark? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of this article.

All about Android 13

Last month, Google made the first developer preview of Android 13 available to developers. You can read the most important new functions that are already known in the articles below:

  • These are the 5 most important new features of Android 13
  • Installing Android 13 on your Pixel: this is how you do it step by step
  • Android 13: you really don’t want to miss these 7 handy little features
  • Unexpectedly: Android 13 lets you stream apps on PC, here’s what it looks like

– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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