Dropsy is a special adventure game about a misunderstood clown who only wants to give out hugs. The world is bizarre, but the story is unforgettable.
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The Dropsy iPad game
Dropsy is a quirky game with an equally quirky main character. You play as ugly clown Dropsy who is not trusted by anyone. All he wants is to make people happy, but when they run away from him crying, it’s hard. Therefore, in a colorful but harsh world, he will have to do his best to show that he wants the best for everyone.
The gameplay is reminiscent of old adventure games, with an inventory for all collected items and a ton of characters to speak to. All conversations are through images, which you have to figure out what the characters want before they trust you. The game is especially notable for its unique style. The combination of a lot of color and yet an uncomfortably dirty world gives the game its own face that is even more unique than the face of Dropsy itself.
The game is on the expensive side though. With a price tag of 9.99 euros, it is far above the price of an average iOS game. This is because the game was first released for the PC with the same price and the iOS version is not inferior to that version. What you get back is a beautiful story where the heart is in the right place. It is one of the most unique games that has appeared for the PC in the past year and now also for iOS.
Download Dropsy
Dropsy can only be played on an iPad running at least iOS 6.0. The game requires 227MB of free space and you can finish the story in about five hours.