Round-up: our iPhone review updates for 2022

To what extent are older iPhones worth buying in 2022? We have tested them again in recent weeks. In this iPhone round-up we list our conclusions for you.

Relevant iPhones tested again

The iPhone 13 and 13 Pro are Apple’s most recent iPhones. Want the best smartphone Apple has to offer right now? Then of course you choose a 13 (Pro). However, that doesn’t mean older iPhones are suddenly crap – quite the contrary, in fact. Thanks to Apple’s great software support, iPhones several years old still feel brand new.

We have therefore retested all relevant iPhones in 2022. The iPhone 8 and older we leave aside in this round-up; as far as we are concerned, these devices are no longer worth considering. They are simply too outdated. Is it wise to choose a device that has been on the market for a few years, or is it better to look further? Is the iPhone 11 still modern enough in 2022? You can read it all in this review round-up.

iPhone 12 Pro (Max) review update

The iPhone 12 Pro (Max) is still fine in 2022. The showpiece of 2020 even keeps up with the new iPhone 13 Pro (Max) in many areas. You miss a few functions compared to the 13 and that is a shame, but that does not immediately make the device outdated. However, the price difference with a new iPhone 13 Pro (Max) is so small (often less than 100 euros) that you would do well to go for the latest Apple device.

→ Read the full iPhone 12 Pro (Max) review update

iPhone 12 Pro Max

iPhone 12 review update

The iPhone 12 is still a great device in 2022. The smartphone feels modern and has a lot of recent features. In addition, the design is almost the same as that of the iPhone 13. In the camera area, a few functions are missing, but the iPhone 12 still takes beautiful photos and videos. And finally, you are currently saving more than 100 euros compared to a 13.

lread the full review update of the iPhone 12

iPhone 11 Pro review update

The iPhone 11 Pro is still an excellent device. But despite the fact that he is already two and a half years old, the showpiece of 2019 has only been slightly reduced in price. The price difference with the iPhone 12 Pro is small – but that device is worth the extra with the 5G support and a better camera. Only go for the iPhone 11 Pro if you can buy it second-hand from someone, or if you are looking for a refurbished iPhone.

→ Read the full iPhone 11 Pro review update

iPhone 11 Pro

iPhone 11 review update

The iPhone 11 is no longer the youngest animal, but that also has an advantage: it has become a lot cheaper. Still, the device is not the best choice for most people, because with the iPhone SE, iPhone 12 (Pro) and iPhone 13 (Pro) there are better options. Only buy the iPhone 11 if your new iPhone cannot cost more than 600 euros, but you do want a device with a modern design.

→ Read the full iPhone 11 review update

iPhone SE 2020 review update

In 2021, the iPhone SE 2020 was still a good buy. But in 2022 we know that a new iPhone SE 2022 is coming (very) soon. That’s why it’s better to ignore the iPhone SE from two years ago and wait a little longer. For a new iPhone SE 2022 you will pay about the same as the older iPhone SE from 2020, but you will get a more powerful A15 Bionic chip and 5G support. This makes the new entry-level iPhone a lot more future-proof.

→ Read the full iPhone 11 review update

iPhone XS review update

The iPhone XS uses an outdated A12 chip. You can still go ahead with that, but there are also better choices for the iPhone XS. An exception is when you can pick up a cheap second-hand one† Do you really want a cheap iPhone? Then wait for the iPhone SE 2022, which is more powerful, but looks a bit more dated. Would you rather have an iPhone with modern looks? Then go for the iPhone 11 or the iPhone 12, which you can enjoy for much longer.

→ Read the full iPhone XS review update


iPhone XR review update

The iPhone XR was a good entry-level Apple phone last year. But in 2022 it is really time to look at one of its newer brothers. The biggest downside is the camera: the iPhone XR has only one lens on the back. This camera is anything but impressive.

→ Read the full iPhone XR review update

iPhone X review update

The iPhone X is an iconic iPhone, and still one of the most beautiful phones Apple has made. But he is already more than four years old, and that means he is quite old for a smartphone.

The A11 Bionic chip is not the fastest, and the device will probably only be provided with software updates for another two years. The camera is also a lot less good than its successors. Moreover, the iPhone X is relatively expensive: for less money you have a better iPhone. The only reason to buy it is if you want to get the anniversary iPhone as a collector’s item.

→ Read the full iPhone X review update

An iPhone for everyone

Fortunately, there are many iPhones to choose from. So there is always a device that suits you. Of course, they all differ in terms of camera quality, screen, speed and functionality. That is why you should also consider for yourself what is important to you. This round-up serves as support. And you can quickly find the cheapest offer for your favorite iPhone via our iPhone price comparison.

Go to the iPhone price comparator

Do you already know which iPhone you are going for? Or are you using an iPhone that you have had very good or bad experiences with? Please let us know in the comments below this article. In addition, download the iPhoned app and sign up for our newsletter. Then you will not miss a single article!

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