6 tricks to save smartly on your data bundle

Do you receive a message from your telephone provider halfway through the month that you are almost over your data bundle again? Then it is time for a larger bundle or to be more economical in your use. With these tips you can save a lot of data.

Saving data with your iPhone: 6 tips

Whether you are going on vacation or have a small data bundle; sooner or later you have to be more economical with the amount of data you use. With these seven tips you can be sure that you will reach the end of the month (with your heels) without exceeding your bundle.

1. Check your data overview and limit

Check regularly how much of your data is left for the month. Almost all providers have apps that allow you to log in to access your usage. Then you know immediately whether you should take it easy or not. There are also other apps, such as DataMan and In Control, with which you can check for free in a handy chart how many MBs you have left. By setting up notifications, you will be notified when you reach a certain percentage of your bundle.

6 tricks to save smartly on your data bundle

2. Use less mobile data traffic

To cut down on data usage, you can check how much certain apps consume. At ‘Settings> Mobile Network’ you will find ‘Use mobile data traffic’. There you can check and uncheck which apps are allowed to use mobile data. You can turn off apps that you only want to use offline. That can save quite a few MBs per month.

3. Use WiFi where you can

If available, use Wi-Fi if available. That way you switch off the 3G or 4G. You do not get used MBs from your bundle, but from the WiFi connection. As long as you don’t pay for the WiFi, you can use the internet for free without using data. Especially with frequent users such as YouTube and Netflix, using WiFi is almost a must.

4. Mobile website

Always open the mobile version of a website instead of the full one. Mobile sites are much simpler in design: they load faster and consume less data. Also, don’t delete your internet cache too often (which is useful for freeing up space). Pictures on a website that you visit more often do not have to be opened again and again.

5. Offline cache or preload

A prepared person uses less data. If you already load articles on the WiFi network at home that you want to read on the go with an app like Pocket. That way you don’t have to recharge it later via the mobile network. In addition, many apps use an offline option. For example, you can create offline playlists in Spotify (which does require storage space) and you can save maps offline in Google Maps.

6. Close apps when not in use

The same goes for apps that you have in the background running domestically. Even then they can refresh without you noticing and snatch data. This is preventable to disable apps after use. You do that by clicking the home button twice and then swiping apps up. Also, don’t forget to turn off background refresh of apps. You do this via ‘Settings> General> Refresh in the background’.

Looking for more? Check out our overview with iPhone tips!

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