Licorice root tea: effect and preparation

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / gokalpiscan

Licorice root tea is known as a remedy for respiratory and gastrointestinal complaints. Here you can find out exactly how the tea works and what you should pay attention to when taking it.

Licorice root tea: taste and effect

Licorice root tea is particularly known for its sweet taste. You can either enjoy it pure or mix it with other types of tea. For example, it is good for adding bitter and hot aromas (such as ginger or turmeric) to balance. But especially at the beginning you should be careful with the dosage: Licorice root tastes about 50 times sweeter than cane sugar and can quickly mask other flavors if the dose is too high Pharmacy magazine.

Licorice root tea is also an effective remedy for various ailments. The medicine portal particularly applies to the soothing effect of the root on coughs according to now as sufficiently scientifically proven. The roots promote the formation of liquid mucus in the respiratory tract and make it easier for you to cough up tough mucus.

According to the pharmacy survey, there are also initial scientific indications that liquorice root can be used as a remedy for inflammation in the gastrointestinal area (for example in a gastritis or stomach ulcers) as well as herpes viruses can be used. So far, however, these effects have mainly been shown in the laboratory and have not yet been adequately researched in humans.

Licorice root tea: preparation and dosage

Licorice root tea is an effective remedy for a dry cough.
Licorice root tea is an effective remedy for a dry cough.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Myriams-Fotos)

To make licorice root tea, you need the root in dried and chopped form.

  1. Use about one to two teaspoons of the root parts per tea cup.
  2. Pour 150 milliliters of boiling water over this and let the mixture steep for ten to 15 minutes.
  3. Strain off the plant parts and drink the tea warm.

Make sure that the maximum daily dose according to from five to 15 grams not to exceed and licorice root should not be taken regularly for more than four weeks. Otherwise, according to the pharmacy survey, the sweet root can cause blood pressure to rise and have a negative effect on blood sugar levels.

If you have some pre-existing conditions, you should avoid licorice root tea entirely. This applies, for example, if you have diabetes, kidney problems or high blood pressure. You should also avoid the root during pregnancy. Also, be aware that licorice root tea can make some medications less effective. If in doubt, you should therefore seek medical advice.

How sustainable is licorice?

Licorice is a perennial native to western Asia. Today you can also find the plant in the European Mediterranean region. In order to avoid long transport routes, you should choose a product from Europe when purchasing. If you buy licorice root in organic quality, you support an agriculture that is based on chemical-synthetic Pesticides waived.


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