If you start WhatsApp today, the app will look different from what you are used to. The new WhatsApp Status is now available and with these 6 tips you know exactly what its possibilities are.
WhatsApp Status Tips: 6 Things You Should Know
WhatsApp released the status feature worldwide for both iOS and Android last night. The Status function is a Snapchat-like part of WhatsApp, in which you can send photos, videos and gifs, which are automatically deleted after 24 hours. The Status section of WhatsApp is completely new and contains many functions. That is why we have listed the most important ones in a handy list.
1. Create your own WhatsApp Status: this is how you do it
Of course, the best way to discover a new WhatsApp function is to get started with it yourself. Fortunately, this is very easy with the Status function. All you have to do is tap the new Status icon on the menu bar to go to the Status section of WhatsApp. Here you tap on the icon at the top right of the screen.
Your camera will now open automatically. Briefly tap the shutter button to take a photo, or record a video while holding down the button. Would you rather choose an existing photo as WhatsApp Status? Then choose the photo icon at the bottom right of your screen.
2. Edit your photo and video with text and drawings
After you have chosen a photo or video, you can still edit it. This works just like the other editing options in WhatsApp. Before you publish the Status you can, for example, add text, make a drawing or paste an emoji over your creation. You can also create a caption for your status in the bottom text field. Did you make a mistake while editing? Then tap the arrow in the menu bar, this will automatically take you a step back.
3. Set who can see your WhatsApp Status (and who cannot)
If you use WhatsApp Status, it will automatically be visible to all your contacts. No problem, but you can also choose to hide your Statuses. You do this by going to the Status screen and tapping on ‘Privacy’. You then have a choice of three options:
- My contacts: share your statuses with all your contacts. In theory, anyone in your address book can view your status.
- My contacts except: This will share your status with everyone in your address book, but you can choose specific people who will not see it. In this overview you can tap multiple people to exclude them from your status updates.
- Share with only: This option is the same as the above, but reversed. By choosing this option, you select only the people from your contact list who are allowed to view your status. This is the safest option if you want to make sure who can view your status and who cannot.
4. This is how you check who has viewed your status
If you have created a WhatsApp Status, you naturally want to know who has viewed it. You can easily check this by tapping the three dots behind ‘My Status’. In the screen ‘My Status updates’ you can then see how many views your Status has. Tap the arrow behind it to send your creation directly to your WhatsApp conversations. This works for both private and group conversations.
5. Delete your own status
Not satisfied with your WhatsApp Status after sending it? Then you can remove it manually. You do this by going to the Status screen, tapping My Status and swiping the screen from top to bottom. Choose the trash can to clear the status. Here you can immediately see how many views your Status had.
6. This is how you search for contacts
Attentive readers already let us know that WhatsApp’s search function has made way for the Status icon. Fortunately, the option to search through your address book has not completely disappeared. Instead, WhatsApp has placed it in the ‘Chats’ section. If you go to your overview of chats from now on, you can call up a search bar by swiping from top to bottom. This not only searches your chat conversations, but also your entire address book.
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