I was able to find on this site how to calculate the number of combinations, eg number of comb. of 3, 4, OR 5 from ABCDEFGIJK
but how can I unsubscribe via a PC with EXCEL? If this concerns smaller groups, this can still be done by hand, but for larger groups this is impossible.
Asker: Iran, 53 years
Hi Iran,
There is no standard function in Excel to effectively write out the requested combination.
On the web (http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?p=148992) I did find code that does this. (tested and approved)
I do hope you are a little familiar with VBA in Excel?
Basically, this code adds a new function to Excel, which is “ListPermutationsOrCombinations’.
You use this function as follows:
– in A1 you write C if you want combinations or P for permutations
– in A2 you note the size of the combinations (eg 3)
– from A3 and each time 1 cell below you write down the input list (in your case: A3 = A, A4 = B, A5 = C etc.)
Calling ListPermutationsOrCombinations will then write out all combinations in a new sheet.
Again, if you are familiar with VBA you can easily adapt this code so that you can choose where the combinations should be written, for example.

Answered by
Prof. dr. Dr Fabian Di Fiore

Hasselt University
Agoralaan University Campus Building D BE-3590 Diepenbeek
Agoralaan University Campus Building D BE-3590 Diepenbeek