What was the Burgundian model to which the Holy Roman Empire was reformed under Maximilian I?

A documentary by ARTE (Maximilian I. – Liebe, Geld und Macht/Maximilien d’Autriche – Amour et pouvoir à la renaissance) I recently saw said that Maximilian I reformed the Holy Roman Empire on the Burgundian model? So what was that Burgundian model?

Asker: William, 21 years


I would not call it completely Burgundian, partly because that Burgundian Empire was a very strong personal union, albeit spread over two unconnected regions (les pays de par-deçà in the North and les pays de par-delà in the South). while the Holy Roman Empire was just forming one geographical entity, ruled by a vast number of different monarchs and administrators. But both managed to strengthen a unity relatively successfully, and Maximilian I did look at some elements of the unification policy of Philip the Good, in particular, his wife’s grandfather:

  • centralization of a number of institutions, including for the highest jurisdiction (Grand Council in Burgundy, Reichskammergericht in the Holy Roman Empire)
  • more regular meetings of a central representative body (State General in Burgundy, Reich Regiment in the Holy Roman Empire – although the latter did not last long)
  • uniformization of tax systems
  • regional administrative organization in larger wholes (the Pays de Par-Deça/Dela and the Rijkskreitsen), so that it was certainly NOT about the formation of a central state.

One of the most important decisions of the Reichstag in Worms was the conclusion of a mutual peace, while the Burgundian Empire, for example, never really experienced internal feuds but rather urban revolts.

What was the Burgundian model to which the Holy Roman Empire was reformed under Maximilian I?

Answered by

dr. Karl Catteeuw

History of Upbringing and Education, Romanian, Music

Catholic University of Leuven
Old Market 13 3000 Leuven


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