Spring lies in the air – and with it many flower pollen. For around twelve million people in Germany, spring means not only flourishing landscapes, but also annoying hay fever or allergic asthma. Pollen are to blame. But how exactly is a pollen allergy created? What can you do with an allergy? And how can allergy sufferers protect themselves from pollen?
When everything starts to bloom in spring, millions of pollen grains fly through the air. As early as February, early flowering tree species such as Hasel and Erle will free their pollen grains, while in April and May the main flowering period of many other plants begins. Pollen are the male germ cells of the flower plants and are created in the stamens. When the plant blooms, it releases these germ cells as a pollen. Depending on the type of plant, insects or the wind take over the transport of the pollen to the female fruit stands, where pollination takes place. A single hazelnut shrub can release over two million pollen grains, a single rye river up to four million and a rye plant even around 20 million pollen grains.
Why can pollen trigger an allergy?
Pollen mainly consists of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They are completely harmless for most people, but the immune system of allergy sufferers incorrectly classifies certain proteins on the pollen grains as a threat. This overreaction is the basis of any allergy: the immune system forms antibodies against actually harmless substances. Why some people react to pollen is still unclear. However, risk factors such as genetic predisposition, air pollution or (passive) smoking can favor an allergy.
If the mucous membrane of the nose, eyes or airways comes into contact with the allergens, the body starts a cascade of immune reactions. As soon as the immune system recognizes the pollen as “intruders”, certain immune cells – the mast cells – pour out the messenger. Histamine plays a central role in inflammatory reactions and ensures that the blood vessels expand and become more permeable. The result: the mucous membranes swell, itchy and sneezing, reddened eyes and a blocked nose- the typical hay fever occurs.
In severe cases, the allergy to allergic asthma can develop, in which the lower airways are affected and breathing shortness occurs. Allergies can also train so -called cross allergies in the course of life. The immune system then reacts to more and more allergens, which are similar to the originally triggered of the pollen. For example, pollen allergy sufferers can develop food allergies on peanuts, apples, strawberries or certain spices.
Does climate change affect pollen allergies?
Not all plant species are equally problematic for allergy sufferers. Particularly aggressive allergens can be found in the pollen of wind -preserved plants such as birch, alder, hazel or grasses. They produce large amounts of tiny, light pollen grains that can be carried through the air over long distances and penetrate deep into the airways. In contrast, insect -collected plants such as roses or fruit trees release fewer pollen, which is why they rarely trigger allergies.

As a result of climate change and the increasing temperatures, plants are now beginning to bloom earlier. So today, hazelnut and alder set their pollen up about 13 days earlier than in 1951. But the total duration of the pollen season is also extended: Because warmer temperatures promote the growth of many plants, they produce pollen over a longer period of time and also larger quantities of it. As a result, allergy sufferers are no longer only affected for a few weeks a year, but have to adjust to months. In addition, fine dust and nitrogen oxides that come from road traffic can change the structure of pollen and increase their allergenic effect.
Climate change also favors the spread of some non -regional, especially allergy -prone plant species. The Ambrosia from North America, for example, is increasingly spreading in Germany because it benefits from warm temperatures. Your pollen is considered particularly aggressive and can cause strong allergic reactions in small quantities. It scattered even more pollen than most of us: a single ambrosia releases more than a billion pollen grains.
What can you do about an allergy?
The symptoms of a pollen allergy can be relieved. Antihistamines that block the effect of histamine and thus relieve itching, sneezing and a running nose are particularly common. Antihistamines are available as nasal sprays, eye drops, ointments or tablets and mostly without a prescription in pharmacies. Another option is cortisone -containing nasal sprays that have an anti -inflammatory effect and have the mucous membrane swell. However, these should only be used in the event of severe complaints and not for a long time without consultation with the doctor. In severe cases, short -term use of oral cortisone preparations may also be necessary.
While antihistamines and cortisone only relieve the symptoms, specific immunotherapy – also known as hyposensitization – can help against allergies in the long term. Allergy sufferers come into contact with small amounts of the allergen for several years in the form of syringes, tablets or drops, so that the immune system gets used to the allergen. The aim is to reduce the allergic overreaction and ultimately to stop. Hyposensitization is advisable for severe symptoms, but lengthy and not always successful.
How can I protect myself from pollen?
Allergy sufferers should try to get in touch with as few pollen as possible to avoid allergic asthma. One of the most important measures is to find out about the current pollen load. Weather services and special apps offer daily predictions for pollen. On days with a particularly high pollen air pollution, it is advisable to avoid longer stays outdoors – especially in dry and windy weather, which also favors the distribution of pollen.
Pollen can also be largely reduced indoors indoors. Windows should remain closed as far as possible, especially during the main load times. While the most pollen in the country in the morning is in the air, concentration in cities is usually the highest in the evening. Ventilation should therefore be carried out in a targeted manner at low -pollen times. Special pollen filters for windows or ventilation systems can also help reduce the load. If you use a car, you should equip the air conditioning with a pollen filter.
Since pollen is slightly adhering to textiles and hair, it makes sense to change clothes after a stay outdoors and wash the hair. This prevents the allergens from getting into the living rooms and continues to cause complaints there. Regular vacuuming with an allergy-free vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter can also significantly reduce the pollen concentration in the apartment. Air purifiers ensure additional protection that filter the particles from the indoor air.