App library in iOS 14

App library in iOS 14

A notable new feature in iOS 14 is the app library. What’s the point of that …?

To get straight to the point, the app library is only available in iOS 14. And – strangely – not in iPadOS 14. It’s a new screen at the ‘end’ of your series of home screens. If you have an iPhone with the latest version of Apple’s mobile OS on it, you can see it by swiping to the left until you can no longer (which moves the screens to the right …). In this library you can see all your apps installed on the iPhone, divided into categories defined by Apple. You cannot change the content of these categories.

If you press long on an app in the library, the ‘wobble mode’ starts, but you can only use an app Outsidethe library. You have to pay attention, because the app will then disappear from any app group of your choice on one of your other start screens! In short: it is a predefined whole that you should just stay away from.

Ideal for a quick start

Is the app library meaningless with that? Certainly not. Above all, it is a quick start to an organized app collection. After all, you no longer have to create folders for apps that belong together. Looking for a news app? To be found in Information and reading. Where was WhatsApp again? In the group Social. You can find your banking app in Productivity and finances. And so on.

This makes the library an ideal tool for the more chaotic iPhone user. One moreover, which regularly downloads new apps and then can never find them again. It is a shame that you cannot bring up the app library. It would be nice if you could set this screen as your first screen. Not as standard, because there are of course still more than enough people who are able to neatly organize their own home screens. But for anyone who cannot or does not want to, the library is a relief.

If you can no longer find an app, you will undoubtedly find it there. The app groups in the library contain three main apps. It seems these are commonly used ones. In addition, there is an icon in the group with several small app icons. If you tap it, a grid appears with apps that fall under the heading of the group. Pretty handy actually!

In the groups of the app library you will find three main apps and a list of all other apps that fall into this category.
In the groups of the app library you will find three main apps and a list of all other apps that fall into this category.

Move to app library

You can also force an app to move to the library. To do this, press an app on one of your home screens a little longer. Then tap Delete app and then on Move to app library. From that moment on, the relevant app can only be found there. So you could set up an iPhone with only the app library as the most practical start screen.


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