Apple has confirmed that improved version of Siri will come much later

Apple has officially said that it takes longer than expected to integrate some of the Apple Intelligence updates for Siri.

Improved Siri comes later

We have already written that Apple postponed the arrival of an improved Siri. Apple announced the new version of Siri last June during the WWDC with the following three upgrades:

  • Personal context: Thanks to a personal context, Siri keeps track of all your e-mails, messages, files, photos and more. If it is on your iPhone, Siri knows where it is and where it comes from. With the help of this information, Siri can help you find something you are looking for. That can be an flight number in an e-mail that you have received, a file that you have downloaded or a photo that someone sent you.
  • Screen consciousness: The improved Siri knows what is on your screen, so you can also refer to that. For example, if someone sends you an address, you can tell Siri to add ‘this’ to your contacts. Siri then knows what you’re talking about.
  • App integration: Apple gives Siri a better integration with apps. This allows Siri to perform hundreds of new actions in apps. Apple mentions, among other things, using Siri to call articles from the reading list in Safari, or to send photos of a specific location to someone, for example ‘Send the photos of the party on Friday to John’.
Apple has confirmed that improved version of Siri will come much later

Apple confirms delay improved Siri

In one explanation to Daring Fireball Apple recently said that the company is planning to roll out the more personalized Siri to users in the coming year. This is the full explanation of Apple spokeswoman Jacqueline Roy:

“Siri Helps our users find what they need and get things done quickly, and in just the past six months, we’ve made siri more conversational, introduced new features like type to siri and product knowledge, and added an integration with chatgpt. We’ve also leg to work on a more personalized siri, giving it more awareness of your personal context, as well as the ability to take action for you within and across your apps. It’s going to take US longer than we thought to deliver on these features and we anticipate Rolling them out in the coming year. ”

(“Siri helpt onze gebruikers te vinden wat ze nodig hebben en dingen snel gedaan te krijgen. In de afgelopen zes maanden hebben we Siri spraakzamer gemaakt, nieuwe functies geïntroduceerd zoals ‘Typ vragen aan Siri’ en productkennis, en integratie met ChatGPT toegevoegd. We hebben ook gewerkt aan een meer gepersonaliseerde Siri, die zich meer bewust is van je persoonlijke context en de mogelijkheid heeft om actie voor je te ondernemen binnen en tussen je apps. Het Takes longer than we thought to deliver these functions and we expect to roll them out in the coming year. “)

Bloomberg has also written before about Apple’s delays in the development of the improved Siri. According to that reporting, it was initially the intention of Apple to market the more personalized Siri as part of iOS 18.4. Apple’s new statement confirms that we have to wait longer, but does not say how long. If more is known about this, you will of course read it immediately iPhoned.

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