Depression is one of the most common diseases worldwide. There are now various treatment options and healing approaches. More and more people are using CBD products alongside therapeutic treatments to help cure the condition. Although there are no clear clinical studies yet, there are already indications of a possible effectiveness of cannabidiol (CBD) in the new widespread disease.
What is depression?
Researchers and physicians are constantly making new advances and breakthroughs. For example, the human genome has now been completely decoded. A lot has also happened in cancer research. Nevertheless, there are still diseases that pose a mystery to modern medicine. This includes depression. Although the disease has long since become a widespread disease worldwide, it is still underestimated.
Depression is a mental disorder that manifests itself through various symptoms. These include:
- fatigue
- energy loss
- sleep problems
- hopelessness and sadness
- joylessness
- low self-esteem
- guilt
- decreased ability to concentrate
- Thoughts of dying, suicide, death
Mental illnesses usually develop in childhood or adolescence, but can often be treated successfully. In addition to medical healing methods, those affected are increasingly turning to high-quality CBD products like this CBD oil from Hanfosanto aid healing.
How is depression treated therapeutically?
Depression is also on the rise in Germany. In this country, mental illnesses are the third most common cause of incapacity to work. The causes depend on individual circumstances and can vary accordingly. That is why there is still no miracle cure for the disease.
So far, physicians have mainly used pharmacotherapy to treat depression. In this case, they combine psychotherapy with special medication. There are different types of psychotherapy, such as problem-solving therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and interpersonal therapy. All forms of treatment are intended to support those affected in the independent development of positive behavior and thought patterns.
Drugs used to treat depression include antidepressants (psychiatric drugs), antipsychotics and neuroleptics (used to treat delusional depression and schizophrenia), and hypnotics/anxiolytics (sleeping pills and tranquilizers).
How might CBD products work for depression?
Psychotropic drugs influence the effect of messenger substances: taking antidepressants blocks the return of the happiness hormones to the cell. The serotonin level increases. According to research, the hippocampus is often reduced in size in people with depression. This part of the brain is responsible for memory, learning and emotions.
However, it is also known that the human brain can change and regulate itself into old age. This means that new nerve cells are formed and the hippocampus can recover (neurogenesis). Antidepressants support this process by stimulating the regeneration of nerve cells.
CBD protects the nerve cells of the hippocampus
This is where CBD comes into play. It has now been scientifically proven that cannabidiol interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). This is a comprehensive regulatory system in the body that consists of various receptors, enzymes and endogenous ligands. The system is said to be involved in many processes, including, for example: sleep-wake cycle, stress, pain perception or appetite.
According to a 2017 study, cannabidiol protects nerve cells in the hippocampus. Therefore, CBD is already approved in the US as a drug for epilepsy. Conversely, this means that CBD could counteract the shrinking of the hippocampus (also known as atrophy) by protecting the nerve cells.
However, the effects of cannabidiol on the endocannabinoid system are not yet fully understood scientifically. No large-scale human studies have been conducted to date. There have only been a few promising experiments on rodents suffering from depression. The CBD helped alleviate the symptoms.
What CBD-based products are there for mental illness?
So far, there are no CBD products specifically recommended for depression. are the most common CBD-Oils. In addition, you could take CBD for depression as a food, dietary supplement and in the form of medication:
- Tea, candy, gummy bears and other edibles with CBD
- CBD crystals
- CBD liquids
- CBD capsules
Also with regard to the dosage of cannabidiol for depression, no specific recommendation can be made. First of all, the amount of CBD that an oil contains plays a role, but also the personal form and the severity of the ailments. Everyone reacts differently to CBD oil. It is generally recommended to start with a low dosage and gradually increase it as needed.
Conclusion: Patience and time are the best “medicines” for depression
There is (still) no panacea for depression. Doctors today use modern forms of therapy to help those affected. Above all, patience is needed to heal depression. The brain needs time to rewire itself, to relearn behavioral patterns and positive thinking.
Even CBD cannot be a silver bullet against mental disorders. However, recent evidence shows that the cannabinoid extracted from the cannabis plant may help alleviate depression.
Important NOTE: Anyone who recognizes themselves in the symptoms mentioned in the text should contact their doctor or contact the telephone pastoral care: 0800/1110111.