CBD update 2022: Findings of the present

CBD update 2022: Findings of the present

© unsplash.com, hansreniers

Cannabidol (CBD) can be found today as a psychoactive hemp derivative in many cosmetic products and natural remedies. The substance which is now used in science as an antiepileptic, anxiolytic and antipsychotic is described, despite its popularity, is still under scrutiny. After researchers discovered CBD, which a phytocannabinoid is and from the feminine hemp (cannabis) is obtained, had discovered it became clear that it acts like marijuana and hash. While it wouldn’t get the user “high” directly like the drug, it would still affect the body. Scientists are working on long-term studies and are currently publishing new findings about the active ingredient cannabidol (CBD).

CBD and sleep psychology

Scientists agree: CBD can change functions of the human body, such as health, fitness, fatigue, stress, rest, quality of life, cognitive functions, ability to concentrate, amount and quality of sleep. One of the reasons for this is the effect of CBD on the natural killer cells (NKC), which are important for maintaining the human body’s defenses and are an essential part of the human immune system. In humans, the NKC cells contain the highest concentration of receptors associated with the endocannabinoid system and CBD, according to previous studies.

Experience and long-term studies so far have shown that the use of CBD increases the percentage of NKC in the peripheral blood. By strengthening the NKC through CBD, the body is able to rest, work less, emit fewer stress hormones and thus find sleep faster. In 2022 it will now be tested whether this effect is truthful. So far, scientists found that in some subjects, NKC function was never inhibited after CBD administration. This is exactly why users are advised to buy CBD only in professional circles. Reputable and commercial ingredients that Must contain CBD oilare cold-pressed hemp oil, cannabidiol, vitamin E, and hemp molecules.

CBD influence on glucose tolerance and gut microbiota

The cannabidiol employs many disciplines, which is why many consumers also have confidence in the effectiveness of the extract. While many empirical projects describe the hypothesized and analyzed potential health benefits of CBD, little attention has been paid to CBD’s potential in the area of ​​gut microbiota modification and protection against diabetes.

As of October 2021, around 425 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. Research shows that by 2045, over 620 million people worldwide will be affected by the disease. That’s why a team of scientists from the University of South Carolina is hoping to find out more about CBD’s effects on the gut microbiota with their study, which began on January 18, 2022. In addition, the analysis of the results should reflect whether CBD is effective as a precaution against diabetes.

Reducing pain and opioid use with CBD

CBD is often taken as a possible alternative to painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Some consumers who have had experience with the CBD extract as a pain reliever speak in favor of the remedy. Doctors are also in favor of what is known as multimodal therapy for chronic pain. CBD products are increasingly being used as an accompaniment to pain therapy. In this regard, there are already a number of studies that advocate the use of CBD products in pain therapy and chronic pain:

Some of the studies show a result with CBD Placebo effect on. This means that cannabidiol was a dummy drug without an active ingredient. The placebo effect describes the occurrence of a therapeutic effect through the administration of tablets without an active ingredient (placebos), i.e. so-called dummy treatments.

Other studies in turn confirmed the high effectiveness and effectiveness of cannabidiol in the human body. A study on the use of cannabis extracts for neurogenic symptoms, for example, showed a significant improvement and reduction in pain in patients suffering from chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries.

Older knowledge about the active ingredient of CBD

  • Since the endocannabinoid system also supports skin barrier formation and anchors CBD in the system, CBD products are expected to strengthen the skin.
  • Several studies in different countries have also shown that CBD is effective as an adjunctive therapy in patients with attacks of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.
  • Additionally, some studies have indicated that cannabinoids play a key role in hormonal and metabolic changes that may make it an option for weight management.
  • In a double-blind study with 24 subjects, it was said that people taking CBD were able to significantly reduce cigarette consumption by about 40 percent compared to subjects who were given a placebo.
  • In a study examining the potential adverse side effects and drug interactions of using CBD, results showed that interactions between stimulants and CBD caused loss of appetite, weight loss, and insomnia or sleep disturbances.
  • Consuming CBD in the form of smoking has not yet been studied. In Switzerland, smoking CBD productions is prohibited. In Germany there is no ban on the consumption of CBD in cigarettes or as a liquid form in vapes or e-cigarettes.

What do the studies reveal?

The effectiveness of CBD is carried out in several small as well as clinical studies. Nevertheless, studies are a long-term process, which is why there are still no placebo-controlled long-term studies with CBD that close the chain of evidence around the active ingredient of CBD. In principle, it is therefore advisable to contact the family doctor in the event of severe symptoms and to keep them under observation.


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