Changing Lives: 6 films and series about people who have changed their lives

Photo: CCO Public Domain / Unsplash – Lili Kovac; BlackMocca /

Films and series can inspire us to see the world with new eyes and to completely change our lives for once. Everyone has dreamed of leaving everything behind and starting all over again. But is it really that simple? These films and series give us an idea of ​​what it might be like to turn everything upside down.

We live in a world where everything seems possible. Nothing forces us to stay where we are. The next change seems just a click away. There are thousands of options available, we just have to access them. That our society is actually much more complex is and everything is not that simple, but we also know at the same time. How it actually is – or could be – to completely change your own life, show the following films and series in different ways.

With its portrayal of freedom,
With its portrayal of freedom, “Cast Away” is a heartbreaking adventure film (Photo: CCO Public Domain / Unsplash – Ian Keefe)

Cast Away

Like hardly anyone else Robinson Crusoe stands for a person who has left everything behind and was completely on his own. The subject of “man against wilderness” is of course not new. We can also find them on “Lost”, Henry David Therou’s “Walden” and countless current videos in which people build huts or live alone on islands.

If people want to leave everything behind, then they usually end up in nature. On the one hand, this can be great because you notice there that your mind and body are getting further than you might think. And that can also flare up archaic knowledge. On the other hand, they of course notice what they had in their “old” life.

With its portrayal of freedom, “Cast Away” is not quite as retrograde as Robinson Crusoe was back then, but rather shows us with Tom Hanks a man who slowly finds himself and his volleyball friend Wilson, only to find painfully after his return that everything is different. On heartbreaking adventure filmthat you should look at again.

Bojack Horseman is a cartoon series set in a world where humans and animals live together
“Bojack Horseman” is a cartoon series in which humans and animals live together (Photo: CCO Public Domain / Unsplash – Soledad Lorieto)

Bojack Horseman

This cartoon series takes place in a world where humans and animals live together and there is no real difference between them. The main character is the horse “Bojack Horseman”, which was the star of a sitcom in the 90s. After several drug escapades and meanwhile completely drained, it hangs around in his millionaire villa and can no longer establish a real connection with anyone.

In the series Bojack tries to find himself further and furtheronly to then tear down everything that has been built up again by stupid things. The series is bitter media criticism in the style of South Park and Family Guy, but manages – unlike these series – to tell of a real transformation.

The consequences will be Bojack more doubtful, more empathetic and begins to work more and more on himselfuntil he can finally be happy after all? Above all, our relationship with him is constantly changing. The series shows that it is really never too late to change your life.

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Changing lives - “The Amazing Life of Walter Mitty” is not a comedy, but rather a motivational film
“The Amazing Life of Walter Mitty” is not a comedy, but rather a motivational film (Photo: CCO Public Domain / Unsplash – Joshua Earle)

The amazing life of Walter Mitty

Ben Stiller is known as a comedy actor. Mostly he plays overwhelmed types who have their hearts in the right place, cannot find their way around the world and have to endure a lot of crap. It is similar in “The Amazing Life of Walter Mitty”, only this time it is not a comedy, but more of a motivational film.

Walter Mitty works in the photo archive at LIFE magazine and is in love with his colleague Cheryl. But he never dares to speak to her and online dating doesn’t really work either because he hasn’t experienced anything exciting to tell about. When LIFE magazine is about to be dissolved by an unscrupulous manager, Walter has to go to Greenland to ask a famous photographer for one last photo for the cover.

Now Walter’s daydreams, in which he always saw himself as a radiant adventurer, are slowly coming true. What is so interesting about Walter Mitty: The journey actually happens here completely normal person with whom one can identify well. Because if you really want to, then you can change your life for the better.

“The Darjeeling Limited” is a spiritual self-discovery trip through India (Photo: CCO Public Domain / Unsplash – Florian Wehde)

The Darjeeling Limited

Wes Anderson is a Cult director. At the latest with “Moonrise Kingdom” and “Grand Budapest Hotel” he became world famous. In his films, strange characters from mostly strange family structures meet and somehow have to pull each other together.

“The Darjeeling Limited” is perhaps his least noticed but at the same time clearest film. This is where three brothers meet who meanwhile have little to do with each other. Your father died and they fell out. The oldest brother now has them on one Travel through India by train “The Darjeeling Limited” invited. This spiritual self-discovery trip is supposed to amount to a meeting with her mother, who has fled the family.

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On the train, the men get to know their mutual quirks and trauma and grow together until they finally do can be a family again. Even if Anderson’s north Indian culture is a bit clichéd, “The Darjeeling Limited” shows how difficult it can be to overcome one’s own resentment and that it is always worth taking a step towards each other.

Changing lives - “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” shows that you can find your way around the world even with a difficult past
“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” shows that you can find your way around the world even with a difficult past (Photo: CCO Public Domain / Unsplash – Colton Duke)

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Several women are supported by one psychopathic cult kidnapped to live in a bunker for 15 years. That doesn’t sound like the beginning of one of the funniest series in recent years. But it is! Because in the series “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” that is exactly the starting point for a crazy story.

When Kimmy Schmidt was freed from her underground prison, she noticed how the world has changed in the last 15 years: what role smartphones and the Internet have now played and how self-centered our culture has become. With her self-confident manner, she confuses the New York city life that only communicates via social media.

“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” shows that one can find one’s way around the world even with a difficult past: Usually an optimistic view of life helps. You can learn a lot from Kimmy Schmidt’s cheerful and surprising manner if you think about how you could change your life. It’s also nice that the series deals with important social issues such as trans-representation and feminism in a funny way.

"Girlboss" is based on the autobiography of Sophia Amoruso, who built the online fashion label "Nasty Gal" on her own
“Girlboss” is based on the autobiography of Sophia Amoruso, who built the online fashion label “Nasty Gal” on her own (Photo: CCO Public Domain / Unsplash – Greg Kantra)

Girl boss

The most famous series about someone who has completely turned his life upside down is of course “Breaking Bad”. But that the story of Walter White, the chemistry teacher turned drug dealer, is not exactly inspiring, should be clear. It’s different with Girlboss.

The series is based on the Autobiography of Sophia Amorusowho built the online fashion label “Nasty Gal” on their own. Sophia begins to sell clothes from second-hand shops at a higher price on Ebay. Social media helps her to market herself and her store. At some point, Nasty Gal will become a fashion brand, investments in the millions are not long in coming.

The series, which only ran for one season, is an interesting document of the times: On the one hand, it can be identify everyone with such a rising storyOn the other hand, it is never really clear what Sophia’s genius actually consists of. The question of whether what we are seeing is really feminist has also led to discussions online. At the same time, the series shows how precariously many millennials live, because several episodes are about Sophia being unable to afford health insurance. A beautiful and multi-layered series that tells more than it seems at first glance.

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