Continuous scrolling with Kindle is the best way to read books

The Kindle app now lets you scroll through books vertically. This ‘continuous scrolling’ is the best way to read books.

Continuous scrolling through Kindle

The Kindle app introduces a new way of reading books. It is now possible to scroll vertically, which keeps your book running to the end. That sounds unclear, but it turns out to be the best way to read.

Until now, the Kindle app tried to imitate reading a paper book. Just like on e-readers, you can read books in the app page by page. You only get the chance to adjust a different font, the size of letters and space between sentences, for example. With the latest update of the iOS app, Kindle introduces continuous scrolling.

kindle continuous scrolling

By reading in this way, there is no pause between pages, but you stay in the story. If you are reading a non-fiction book, it is also much easier to skip parts that you do not find interesting. You can easily scroll to the next paragraph or chapter. At the bottom of the screen you can still clearly see what percentage you have reached and within how much time you will probably have finished the book.

Easy to change

The first time you open the app after the update, continuous scrolling is automatically turned on. You can then easily switch between the two ways of reading in the app.

If you’re reading a book, tap the screen to bring up the buttons. Then press ‘Aa’ at the top. In the new screen you can adjust the brightness and font, among other things. At the bottom of the screen is a new switch with ‘Continuous scrolling’. Set this switch to the left to read page by page again.

Read books in 15 minutes

Do you often read non-fiction? Then the Blinkist app is worth it. This application summarizes books and reads the summaries. An ideal way to get the message across from books, without spending too much time on it. Read our Blinkist apple of the eye.

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