Customize the appearance of the Condition app on iPhone

Since iOS 18 it is possible to personalize the overview page in the Condition app. You can now rearrange, delete or even add new ones to the various cards on the information overview page.

This gives you the opportunity to gain more insight into your fitness and performance. For example, you can add cards based on weekly data instead of just daily data.

New cards for the Condition app overview

For the Fitness app overview page, cards are available with detailed information about sessions, training loads, trends, medals and more specific activity cards. For running, for example, you can add cards that give you at-a-glance information about elevation gain, cadence, average pace, average power, and ground contact.

New detailed maps are available for various activities such as running, cycling, swimming, walking, hiking and mindfulness.

Customize the appearance of the Condition app on iPhone

Adjust the condition app overview display

To adjust the appearance of the overview page in the Condition app on the iPhone to your own preferences, you can follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Condition app
  2. Go to the ‘Overview’ tab
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen
  4. Tap ‘Change overview’
Adjust Condition App display

To move a card, press and hold it and drag it to the desired location. Using the +Add button at the top left of the screen you can add new cards to the overview. Using the button at the top left of a card you can remove it from the overview.

You can also adjust or remove the view of a card by pressing and holding it. Then tap Edit or Hide. Using Change you can change the view of the map to square (small) or rectangular (large) view.

Once you are satisfied with the new layout of the overview, you can confirm this by clicking the Ready button at the top right of the screen.

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