Do you still have an old Gmail account? Then you might lose it

Do you have an old Gmail account somewhere that you hardly use, but secretly don’t want to get rid of? Then you have to be careful. Google is going to start a big cleanup and delete old accounts!

Gmail will clean up old accounts

Gmail has been around for years and there is a good chance that you have one (or more) account(s) with Google’s mail service. In fact, some accounts have been around for a long time and you may have even forgotten you have one.

gmail iphone

However, it is equally important to check carefully whether you still have an account with Gmail somewhere. On December 1, 2023, a major clean-up campaign will begin at Google (including Gmail) in which inactive accounts will be deleted. This means that all data will be deleted forever.

Read more: Google’s policy for inactive Google accounts

Google does this because old Gmail addresses that have not been used for some time pose a security risk. For example, consider an old password that has already been leaked and is still used by your old account. Or that two-step verification has never been set up. Google will now preventively delete these accounts.

These accounts come first

Google will start with accounts that were created and never used again. These are often email addresses that were used to log in somewhere once and then never again. These are also often addresses that have been misused for spam purposes.

Do you still have an old Gmail account with other services linked to it, such as a YouTube account? Then you don’t have to worry. Even if you have a paid subscription for an app or service, there is nothing to worry about.

Is your old Gmail account on the list for disposal? Then you will first receive a message from Google. Do you still want to keep the old Gmail account? Then you need to log in with your account details.

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