Dropche infection: This is how you protect yourself against it

Dropche infection: This is how you protect yourself against it
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / StevePB

The droplet infection is the best known and most common type of contagion. We explain to you here exactly what the transfer of illness is all about and how you can prevent it.

The droplet infection is one of the main transmission paths for many infectious diseases. Their clinical pictures range from simple colds to serious epidemics such as Covid-19. The pathogens can be transmitted directly or indirectly, especially small droplets float in the air for a long time and increase the risk of infection. But there are measures to protect yourself – which these are and why not always keeping a distance is not always sufficient, you can find out in the article.

What is a droplet infection?

In terms of droplet infections, pathogens often get into the body via the airways and can multiply there. The infection can be made in various ways – from person to person or over contaminated areas:

  • Direct droplet infection

Disease pathogens sitting in the airways or throat gets into the air by speaking, coughing or sneezing. The infection protection explains: If you open your mouth, for example when speaking or coughing, you promote tiny saliva drops to the air. If another person inhales these drops, the risk is relatively large that they are infected with the pathogens.

However, it is also considered a droplet infection if the pathogens are transmitted directly via the mucous membranes of the upper airways – as is the case, for example, when kissing.

  • Indirect droplet infection

Sallet drops can stick to objects. Anyone who touches infected surfaces and then touches the face increases the risk of infection. Aerosols, i.e. tiny floating particles that arise when breathing, also contribute to the transfer, according to the Federal Environment Agency.

  • incubation period

Often the disease does not break out immediately after the pathogen has penetrated the body using a droplet infection: you usually only feel the symptoms after a few days. This meantime is called incubation period.

The duration of the incubation period varies depending on the type of disease and can affect the infection rate: Even people who do not feel any or no symptoms at all (asymptomatic diseases) can pass on the pathogens of an illness. If the incubation period is shorter, the disease can spread faster, but a long incubation period also increases the risk of infection due to symptom -free sick.

Which pathogens are transmitted through droplets?

Fever is a common symptom of many droplets.
Fever is a common symptom of many droplets.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Congerdesign)

There are numerous diseases that are transmitted by droplets. One of the best known is the flu. But many serious illnesses as well as most epidemics and pandemics also go back to pathogens that are transmitted in this way. Examples include:

  • Ebola
  • diphtheria
  • whooping cough
  • tuberculosis
  • measles
  • chickenpox
  • scarlet
  • rubella

By the way: Corona is also transmitted using a droplet infection.

Dropche infection: How to protect yourself from infection

To avoid droplets infection, sick people should cough or sneeze in a handkerchief if possible.
To avoid droplets infection, sick people should cough or sneeze in a handkerchief if possible.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Sweetlouise)

A safe measure not to infect yourself through droplet infection is: keep your distance! How much distance from a sick person is necessary depends on the size of the droplets. According to infection protection, larger droplets of more than five micrometers do not stay in the air for long and are therefore only dangerous within the radius of around one meter.

Small droplets, on the other hand, float in the air for a long time and can also be transmitted over larger distances. This applies, for example, the transfer of chickenpox and measles. Diseased persons should also try to cough or sneeze into a handkerchief if possible, the less droplets in the air.

Can also help:

  • Lift the rooms well
  • (homemade) worn out mouth protection

  • Wash hands regularly

Another way to avoid droplets infection is vaccination. So you can prevent yourself against some diseases such as chickenpox, whooping cough, diphtheria or measles, and thus prevent infection by droplet infection.

Read more on utopia.de:

  • Does chicken soup really help against a cold?
  • Strengthening the immune system: 10 natural tips for better defenses
  • For so long a cold is contagious

Revised by Adriana Jodlowska

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