Smartphones and tablets keep space for specific data that they want quick access to, so that the user is presented with a fast experience. But sometimes that data actually makes your device feel slow. We are talking about cache and the space for your stored data. The cache usually contains temporary and locally shared data, while data also means stored data – such as profile information and settings. This way you can clear your cache and delete data on Android.
So if your Android feels slow, you should empty the cache and delete the data. If you empty the cache, you can continue to use the app as before. If you delete the data, you have to log in again, for example, after which the data can be downloaded again. The main reason for clearing all data is therefore freeing storage space. But you could also do this to make sure that an app feels fast again or when you notice that errors occur (due to an update or something similar). The question is: when do you clear the cache or delete all data? Only do this when apps or your phone are really unusable slow. If you do it on a daily basis, you often don’t get along with it – the extra storage space is once again quickly filled by the same app after opening.
Clear cache and delete data on Android
If you want to clear the cache or delete the data completely, go to Settings / Storage and press Free space. The phone or tablet can then show which temporary files can be removed immediately. When you bottom up Other apps , you will arrive at a list of apps that use data. Unfortunately, you have to delete all data per app; Android no longer has a built-in function that allows you to delete all cached data or data. That said: the functions and locations of the functions may differ per manufacturer or device, but you will usually find them under the steps above.
If you have selected an app, you can tap it. There are then two or more options on screen, but you will certainly come Delete storage and Clear the cache against. On the screenshots you can see what this looks like on Android 10. Note: if you do this, you will permanently erase the data. We do not recommend using cleaner apps that are in Google Play. The more apps you have, the more data is used, and over time, such an app goes beyond its goal. Many phones nowadays also have a file manager where you can delete things manually, so don’t forget to take a look there.
