Free legacy version of G Suite will be discontinued, will Google come up with a solution?

Free legacy version of G Suite will be discontinued, will Google come up with a solution?

Earlier this month Google announced that they are discontinuing the free version of the old G Suite software. Users of the old Google G Suite will have to switch to a paid Workspace package from July 1. This move ignored all users using G Suite for personal purposes. Google is now coming up with a possible solution for these people.

From G Suite to Workspace

In 2012, Google decided to discontinue the free version of G Suite, also known as legacycalled package. New users had to immediately opt for a paid Workspace package. People who were still using G Suite at the time could continue to use the package without paying. Earlier this month, Google announced that they were going to completely discontinue this free version of G Suite. Users will be obliged to switch to a Workspace package from 1 July. If they do not take any action, Google will choose a package that best suits their use.

Not enough options

Unfortunately, Google left some of their users behind with this. Those using this version for their personal accounts will be in trouble from July 1. They can transfer most of their data, but purchased items such as apps and movies cannot. Those users would then have to choose a paid package just to keep their purchases.

Many of these users are not happy with this and believe that Google should provide more options. Some lawyers even investigate a possible lawsuit against Google.

Possible solutions

Ron Amadeo of the Ars Technica website suddenly came across a Google survey in the support pages, asking how people use the free version of G Suite. This questioning suggests that Google is looking for solutions for the disadvantaged users. Nothing concrete has been offered yet, but Google does show that they pay attention to the victims.

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Google asks users with less than 10 ‘seats’ in their legacy account to leave their contact details and provide some additional information. They do make a clear distinction between personal use and professional use of the legacy account. Google may contact victims to “provide users with personalized updates and special offers.”

Do you use the free version of the old G Suite? What do you think of this solution? Let us know in the comments below this article.

Free legacy version of G Suite will be discontinued, will Google come up with a solution?
Google’s survey

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– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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