“Gen z” is less close to nature

“Gen z” is less close to nature

Magwälts Kleiner Fuchs: Hardly anyone knows him. © Dreamside/ Pixabay

The “Generation Z” in Germany knows fewer domestic species and is less close to nature than older adults, as a study shows. Accordingly, the young people spend a similar amount of time outdoors, but know less about plants, birds and butterflies than older ones. As a result, they are less willing to work for flora and fauna. However, there would be opportunities to counteract this.

The biological diversity is disappearing worldwide through human interventions in natural habitats and climate change. This degree of species threatens the ecosystems of our planet and also our own livelihood. In order for the food chains to be preserved, the biological diversity must be protected on global and local level. But how do you commit people for species protection?

“Many studies have shown how important nature experiences, an emotional connection to nature and knowledge about animal and plant species are so that people are committed to nature. However, due to changed lifestyles and adolescents, people often have less contact with nature and also know less than adults about nature,” reports Tanja Straka from the Technical University (TU) Berlin. “This means that the fear is that future generations will work less to preserve nature.” But what about this fear?

Study confirms phenomenon of “generation amnesia”

In order to find out, researchers around Straka systematically examined for the first time how young people and young and older adults differ in terms of their natural contact and their species. A total of 600 people took part in the study, including 252 young people between the ages of 15 and 17 from Berlin and 215 young adults between the ages of 18 and 29. These vintages belong to the so -called “gen z”. There were also 133 older adults between 30 and 76 years from all over Germany. The biologists asked them how often they visit green spaces to what extent they feel connected to nature and would work for them. In addition, the participants should determine widespread species in Germany based on photos, including four birds, butterflies and plants.

The result: Surprisingly, all participants were equally in parks, gardens and other green areas, most of them even several times a week. The suspected phenomenon of the “Extinction of Experience” – the experience of experience – does not exist, at least with regard to access and contact with nature. This is not lost in younger generations per se, the team closes. Older participants knew more animal and plant species, felt more connected to nature and were more ready to work for nature than younger people. In the study between the generations and with age, these three characteristics tend to decrease. The value for nature closeness dropped between the three age groups from 3.98 to 3.09 and the value for the operational readiness of 3.76 to 2.82 – each on a five -stage scale.

The researchers see it confirmed that there is already a kind of generation of generation in terms of natural knowledge. However, this acceptance of the natural knowledge was different depending on the group of organisms. The evaluation showed that both the “gene Z” and older adult plants knew better than birds and birds better than butterflies. 73 percent of young people were able to correctly name the blackberry, but only 29 percent the magpie and only three percent the butterfly little fox. In comparison, 84 percent of the older adults recognized blackberry, 61 percent the Elster and 22 percent the little fox. None of the twelve queried species was correctly named by all participants. The species, which were most frequently named overall, were the nettle (86 percent), the house sparrow (67 percent) and lemon butterfly (58 percent). The horse chestnut (53 percent), the Elster (42 percent) and the little fox (11 percent) were most correctly named across all three age groups.

More education and interaction with nature

The evaluation also revealed a connection that, despite the differences between the age groups, in all participants: Those who knew many species were also emotionally more connected to nature and was more ready to work for them. According to this, the researchers actually promote good knowledge of nature and this in turn, the researchers conclude. “So it is worth promoting the knowledge of species and closeness to nature of young people and young adults,” said Straka.

Earlier studies had already shown that city dwellers are fewer nature -loving than rural residents. In order to promote the commitment of society, it is not sufficient to set up parks and other green spaces in cities. In the face of the results, senior author Ingo Kowarik from TU Berlin suggests two measures: “The first is to impart increased access to different organisms, from kindergarten to university training. The second conclusion: children and adolescents in particular should be supported not only to stay in the green, but also to learn through nature and to gain positive emotional experiences with nature,” said the ecologist. “The opportunity should also be used to pass on knowledge and experiences across nature across generations,” adds Straka.

Sources: Technical University of Berlin; Specialist articles: Ambio, DOI: 10.1007/S13280-02135-7

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