Google Assistant automatically replaces hacked passwords

Google Assistant automatically replaces hacked passwords

The Google Assistant will now suggest you change your password. It does that as soon as you try to log into a website with a password that has been publicly leaked. Google is rolling out the feature through a Play Services update in the United States.

Google Assistant checks passwords

The Google Assistant can now help you keep all your accounts safe. If you store passwords with your Google account, you could already do a password check to check whether your passwords have been hacked or not. Google then compares your saved passwords to public databases of leaked passwords.

Of course, not every smartphone user takes the step to perform such a password check, so the Google Assistant takes a more proactive approach. From now on, if you log in to a website or app with such a hacked password, you will receive a notification from the Google Assistant. In it, Google states that the password in question has been hacked and you are asked to automatically change your password and thus generate a new strong password. Android Police

Duplex technology

The new feature was announced last year and Google stated that it uses ‘Duplex on the web’ technology. That is a system in which the Assistant can independently perform tasks in the browser. Previously, Google used the same technology to automatically rent a car for users in the US, for example, without having to fill in the necessary administration yourself.

The ability to have your password changed by the Assistant is now being rolled out with a Google Play Services update (v22.18). Google previously announced that the technology will first work in the United States and only be rolled out more widely later.

At the same time, Google, Apple and Microsoft are working on a system to replace passwords. Your phone will serve as the key to all your accounts thanks to the so-called FIDO standard. That system should work from 2023. Is it a good thing that Google itself is taking the lead in keeping your password security in order? Let us know in the comments.

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– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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