Google malware spreads on Mac: is your iPhone still safe?

There is a new Google malware that is spreading rapidly on the Mac: is your iPhone still safe? Or do you have to watch out for that too?

Google malware on Mac: is your iPhone still safe?

New malware (malicious / malicious software) has emerged and is currently spreading through Google. The hackers do this through the advertisements you see in the Google search results. For example, when Google searches for a program, the top results are often ads. Hackers try to get hold of you through these links.

Google malware spreads on Mac: is your iPhone still safe?

When you click on one of these links you will end up on a fake website. There you will be presented with a download page. If you click on the download button, the malware will end up on your Mac.

Google is aware of the problem and is working to fix it. At the moment your iPhone is still safe, because it is not possible to install software from the internet on Apple’s smartphone.

The program XLoader (for MacOS and Windows) is the biggest culprit. This nasty program is used to forward keystrokes and steal personal information, among other things.

Downloading software from App Store is the safest

Now the malware comes in via Google, but it is of course a matter of time before new software appears that tries to infect your Mac or iPhone. That is why it is wiser to always get as much software as possible from the App Store.

On your iPhone, that’s pretty much the only way to download software right now. But if Apple soon also allows software to be downloaded outside the App Store or via alternative App Stores, you will also have to be a lot more careful here.

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