Google Maps (and Waze): this is how you make a notification for others

Google Maps warns you about traffic jams and speed cameras thanks to notifications from other users. This is how you make a report yourself.

Create a report in Google Maps

Both Google Maps and Waze are owned by Google. The company uses notifications from both apps to warn users on the road about accidents, traffic jams, speed cameras, roadworks and objects on the road.

These warnings are very useful, but are only possible if users report such things along the way. For those who have never done this before, we will explain how you can do this very easily while navigating.

  1. Start your navigation in Google Maps;

  2. Swipe up the bottom part of the screen;

  3. Tap ‘Add notification’;

  4. Tap the type of notification you want to make;

  5. Tap ‘Confirm’.

Google Maps (and Waze): this is how you make a notification for others

After tapping ‘Add notification’, you can choose from eight types of notifications, namely: Accident, File, Police, Mobile speed camera, Road works, Lane closure, Vehicle with a breakdown and Object on the road. If you accidentally tapped the wrong one, you still have some time to fix it. In that case, tap ‘Cancel’ in time and the notification will still not be sent.

confirm or cancel maps

By sending a notification, you not only warn users of Google Maps, but also of Waze. When they approach the location where you have reported, they will automatically see a warning. They are given the option to confirm that the situation is still unchanged, or to indicate that the warning can be lifted. Reports are always anonymous.

Report in Waze

If you use Waze, it works in almost the same way. While navigating, simply tap the yellow triangle in the bottom right and then tap the notification you want to make. At Waze you can choose from: File, Mobile control, Accident, Danger, Closure, Closed lane, Map problem, Dangerous weather, Fuel prices, Breakdown assistance, Chat message and Place. Make your choice, tap ‘Report’ and your notification will be sent.


For your own safety and that of others, always make sure that you have clamped your iPhone in a holder. After all, you don’t want to have to report your own accident!

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