Google wants to help close the gender gap in companies in the Netherlands

Google wants to help close the gender gap in companies in the Netherlands

Female entrepreneurs have much more trouble attracting investors to their start-up than men who do the same. Google therefore wants to help female business leaders in the Netherlands by means of a boot camp.

Women entrepreneurs in the Netherlands

When investors spend money on a start-up, it is led by only men in 94.3% of the cases. Women are also part of the team in 4.9% of the cases, and only women are employed in only 0.8% of the start-ups. Those numbers come from TechLeap and it applies to venture capital investments made between 2008 and 2019 at 1,500 start-ups in the Netherlands.

In a press release, Google Netherlands notes that at the same time, in 51% of the cases, a woman is the head of a social enterprise. This is evident from figures from the Women in Business Report. Google therefore wants to help female entrepreneurs in our country to grow their companies, and it does that with the ‘Growth with Google Marketing Bootcamp’.

Bootcamp aimed at women

Google selects 25 female entrepreneurs who run a social enterprise based on their application. They learn to build and digitize their company, to formulate and communicate their message, to keep their finances in order and to enter the market.

“So far, together with our partners, we have helped half a million Dutch companies and individuals with training, products and services. The Growth with Google Marketing Bootcamp is the next step to offer specifically talented female entrepreneurs with impact a helping hand”, which says Martijn Bertisen, director of Google Netherlands.

This is how you can sign up

According to an blog post from Google, the program will start on November 8, and there will be 11 sessions in total. Sometimes it concerns physical group meetings, but there are also online workshops and 1-on-1 coaching sessions.

To participate it is therefore required that you are a woman or a non-binary person who speaks Dutch and is a (co-f) founder of a social enterprise. You can sign up until October 24th through this Google website.

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– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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