Harry Potter: Wizards Unite now available for iOS: here’s how to download the game

It’s time. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is now available in the Netherlands for iPhone and iPad. Here’s how you can download Harry Potter Wizards Unite for iOS.

Available: Download Harry Potter Wizards Unite

We had to wait a few days longer than the United States, but as of today the new game set in the Harry Potter universe is also available in the Netherlands. This is how you get the game:

  1. Download Harry Potter: Wizards Unite on the App Store;
  2. Wait for the game to be downloaded and follow the on-screen prompts;
  3. Log in with your Google or Facebook account and choose a player name;
  4. Choose an avatar and decide which Hogwarts house you will represent;
  5. Let’s play!
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite now available for iOS: here’s how to download the game

The game is playable on almost all iOS devices. You must be running at least iOS 10 and own an iPhone 5S or iPad Air, or a newer model. The game is fully Dutch and uses your location and camera.

The story

The new Harry Potter game takes place just after the seventh book. Voldemort is defeated and the world is scrambling little by little until a mysterious ‘Calamity’ suddenly appears. This causes all kinds of people, creatures and magical objects to appear in the world. These are also visible to non-wizards, aka muggles. It’s up to you to find and collect these ‘Foundables’ in the real world.

This can be all sorts of things. Think of a character from the books and movies who is suddenly attacked by a spider. When you see such a Foundable, you must cast a spell on it. You do this by swiping the screen of your iPhone or iPad. When you are powerful enough you can claim the Foundable. Wizards Unite comes from the same creators as Pokémon GO, one of the most successful games of all time.

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