How to find the coordinates of a place in Google Maps

How to find the coordinates of a place in Google Maps

You can find coordinates of places in Google Maps. You can then use that data in GPS devices or other map applications. It is a universal system that is understood everywhere. We show you how to find coordinates with Google Maps on your phone or PC.

Google Maps Coordinates

Google Maps is an incredibly powerful tool that is embraced by a large group of users. The app is known for its excellent search function and huge database of famous places that you can easily share. Others with whom you share places will then receive a link that leads to Maps.

That’s great for Google, because it automatically leads people to their app, but it’s not a sharing method that works universally. Geographic coordinates are. In principle, thanks to coordinates, you can then use any map, map app or GPS system to find a specific place. We explain how to find coordinates in Maps on your phone and via the web version on your PC.

Find coordinates in the Google Maps app

You can view the coordinates of a place in Maps if you place a pin on the map. You do this by long-pressing a point. If you only search for a city, an address or an interesting place with the search function, you will not see any coordinates. However, it can be useful to search first so that you quickly get closer to the specific point whose coordinates you want to discover. We explain it in the step-by-step plan below:

  1. Open Google Maps
  2. Swipe the screen or use the search function to get close to the place where you want to discover coordinates
  3. Zoom then carefully in that specific place
  4. Place your finger and long press until a red pin appears
  5. Swipe the bottom screen area where an address or placed pin stands up
  6. You will see a blue icon with a spell on the link. Tap the coordinates to the right of it with your finger to automatically to copy
  7. You can then access them from any app parts by pasting.
How to find the coordinates of a place in Google Maps

Find coordinates with Google Maps on your PC

Google Maps works on your PC via the website in a similar way. You can’t find coordinates by searching for a destination, only by placing a spell on the map. Although the search function can also help here to find a place faster. Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to
  2. drag your mouse over the map or use the search function to get close to the place where you want to discover coordinates
  3. Zoom then carefully in that specific place using the mouse wheel or the plus and minus buttons.
  4. Click on the specific place
  5. A pop-up notification will appear at the bottom and click under the bold name of the place on the coordinates
  6. You can now easily see the coordinates with your mouse pointer Selecting
  7. Right click and choose To copy
  8. You can then place them wherever you want parts by pasting.
How to find the coordinates of a place in Google Maps

More Google Maps Tips

Google Maps is a popular app that gets new features regularly. So you will find a lot of tips about Google Maps with us. This is a selection:

  • 8 useful Google Maps tips you might not have known
  • Google Maps tip: start the route to your favorite place super fast
  • Privacy tip: this is how you navigate incognito with Google Maps
  • Google Maps tip: this way you can easily find your favorite restaurant
  • Google Maps tip: this is how you share your real-time location with others

Do you want to stay informed about the latest news about Google Maps? then download our android app and follow us on Telegram and Twitter. Also check out our new AW Community for an overview of the most popular AW members.

– Thanks for information from Androidworld.

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