I’m going on a trip and I’m taking with me: the 10 best vacation apps for your iPhone

Going on holiday with peace of mind is easier said than done. Fortunately, your phone can help with this. With these 10 vacation apps for your iPhone, it will be a trip you will never forget.

The best holiday apps at a glance

Your smartphone is indispensable during the holidays. From finding your way, checking local attractions to checking whether a purchased product will pass through customs: your iPhone is your best friend. These 9 holiday apps make the trip easier, more fun and better.

1. Google Maps

Google Maps is essential for when you go on holiday. Not only does the app assist you with advice and assistance during navigation, the helper also knows the way in public transport. In addition, you can save a map of the holiday area in advance so that you do not need internet on site. That way you’ll never get lost.

Google Maps speed limit

In addition, Google Maps shows nearby gas stations, points of interest and restaurants. The app also lets you travel by public transport, so you can safely leave the car at your destination for a day. So whether you go to the campsite in Drenthe or on a road trip to Romania: with Google Maps you will get there.

2. Google Translate

It is always useful to speak a little bit of the local language and Google Translate will help you with that. The app translates single words as well as whole sentences and speaks more than 100 languages. Plus, you can download dozens of languages ​​for offline use so you don’t need an internet connection while on vacation.

Google Translate also has a special interpreter function where the app directly translates what the waiter, taxi driver or store employee is trying to explain to you. Finally, the app also has a built-in camera so that you can directly translate information signs and restaurant maps.

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3. With locals

When you are in Paris, a trip to the Eiffel Tower cannot be missed, but the city of love has more to offer. Travelers who don’t just want to visit the clichéd destinations should visit Withlocals.

This app is maintained by local residents who organize personal tours, among other things. In most destinations you can choose from several guides, where you can even have a chat beforehand to see if you fit together.

4. First aid app

Hopefully you’ll never have to use the app, but when disaster strikes, you’ll probably be shown you have it installed. This app from the Red Cross is packed with instructions with which you can deal with burns or poisoning, but also take care of a bruise.

The First Aid app helps you with more than 80 common medical situations. The accessibility of the explanation is especially nice, so that even beginners know what to do in the event of an accident. Finally, the first aid app shows on a map where the nearest AED is located, if there is a real need for the man.

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5. HolidayBieb

The VakantieBieb, a popular library app, is open again this year. This year there are 30 e-books for the little ones, and 20 ‘adult’ books. The app is completely free, so even if you are not a member of the ‘normal’ library you can still read on your smartphone or tablet.

Every year, the selection is put together by library staff, so check beforehand whether there is something to your taste. If this is the case, you can easily download the e-book in advance so that you do not need an internet connection at the holiday location. Unfortunately, the VakantieBieb does not work on an e-reader.

6. TripAdvisor

TripAdvisor has been the app for years to quickly find a hotel, restaurant or places of interest in your immediate vicinity or at your holiday destination. Since the app has been around for so long, numerous user reviews have been added so you know exactly where to go and where not to go.

With TripAdvisor you can immediately request a list of the most special, cheap or good places to eat from every city. By walking into that one side street thanks to this app, you will probably end up at a restaurant you would never have gone to otherwise.

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7. XE Currency

This app is especially useful when you go to a country where payment is not made with euros. XE Currency can convert to and from virtually all currencies worldwide. The value of these coins is continuously updated so that you can check that you are not paying too much.

Extra handy is that these modes are downloaded immediately so that you can use them offline. In addition, you can put the currency of the country you are in on the home screen of the app, which saves time. Finally, XE Currency also works on your Apple Watch.

8. Ticket Lens

The Dutch love a discount, even on holiday. TicketLens therefore searches for the cheapest tickets for attractions, concerts, tours, theater performances and other activities. The app is active in more than 50 cities, including Barcelona, ​​Berlin, Las Vegas, Florence and New York.

The app isn’t great at recommending activities (it’s better to use TripAdvisor for that) but it does save money or time. For example, if you have found a nice museum, it is wise to take a look at TicketLens. Perhaps the museum will sell a cheap combi ticket where you also get a dinner for little.

9. Customs travel

Have you been abroad and have you bought the necessary spices? Check in advance whether you can take it with you to the Netherlands with the Customs travel app of the Tax Authorities. This describes per country what the rules are and what you have to watch out for.

Customs travel mainly excels in ease of use. No endless pieces of text, but straightforward explanations about what is and is not allowed. In addition, the app has a function to scan receipts, so that you can show proof of a purchase at customs.

vacation apps iphone travel app

10. Travel App

More and more countries are opening their borders to tourism again, but unfortunately the corona virus is not yet a thing of the past. The local situation can change quickly, for example because a seat of fire has appeared. With the Travel app of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs you stay informed of the local corona situation and measures.

The app tells you per region what the situation is and what you need to take into account. In addition, the contact details of all Dutch embassies worldwide can be found in Reisapp. This way you are never alone with trammelant over the border.

Traveling with your iPhone

Go prepared and prepare your phone with the help of our iPhone vacation guide. This contains everything you need to take into account, from turning off roaming to adding emergency numbers from the insurance.

Are you going out with the whole family? Thanks to the best apps for children in the back seat, you are assured of a quieter journey. Or do you want to get away from the daily grind of apps, e-mails and WhatsApp for a while? Check out our article with tips to avoid iPhone distraction.

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