iOS 12 tip: how to automatically use strong passwords

Logging in and creating accounts is easier and more secure than ever in iOS 12. You should know this about automatically using strong passwords and changing duplicate passwords in iOS 12.

iOS 12: Automatically strong passwords

In iOS 12, Apple introduces various ways in which you can manage passwords better, enter them more easily and, moreover, never have to invent them yourself again. For example, every time you create a new account, iOS will come up with a strong, unique password for you.

This is automatically saved as an iCloud keychain, so you never have to remember the tricky combinations yourself. It is also no longer necessary to enter it, because your iPhone or iPad recognizes when you log in somewhere with a saved access code.

Also read: AutoFill in iOS 12 automatically fills in passwords: this is how it works

You do not need to change any settings to automatically use strong passwords. This is how you use the automatically generated codes.

Automatically fill in strong passwords

  1. Open an app or website in Safari where you will be prompted to create a new account;
  2. Enter a username or email address;
  3. Tap the password input field. A password will automatically appear in the field and you will see a message that iOS has created a strong password;
  4. Tap Use Strong Password to use the automatically generated password. This ensures that the passcode is immediately stored in iCloud.

If you prefer to come up with a security code for an account yourself, you always have the option to select ‘Choose my own password’.

This password can also be stored in iCloud. But the idea of ​​the automatically strong passwords is of course that they are more difficult to crack than passwords you create yourself, so that your login details are more secure.

Adjust duplicate passwords

In addition to helping you come up with strong passwords, iOS 12 also makes sure that you don’t reuse security words. Checking whether you have duplicates in your used passwords is very fast:

  1. Go to Settings and select ‘Passwords and Accounts’;
  2. Tap on ‘Passwords’. To gain access, you must first authenticate yourself using Touch ID, Face ID or a passcode;
  3. If you have duplicate access codes, you will see accounts with a warning triangle behind them in the list. It also states how many other accounts have the same password. Tap an account with a so-called double password;
  4. Select ‘Change password on the website’. You can then enter a new password on the website of the developer or app or let iOS come up with one for you.

Specifying duplicate passwords is intended to improve your privacy. Double passwords increase the chance that malicious parties will steal more personal data from you than you would like. By adjusting these duplicates and replacing them with unique passwords, your data remains as secure as possible.

iOS 12 review

In addition to improved security functions, there are many more new features in iOS 12. Read what’s new in our in-depth iOS 12 review.

Read more iOS 12 tips

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