iPhone tips: 3 things you’ve always been doing wrong on your iPhone

You don’t realize it, but there are things you’ve been doing wrong on your iPhone all your life. In this week’s iPhone tips, we show you the three most common mistakes and of course we also tell you how to do it!

Three things you’ve always been doing wrong on your iPhone

Of course you think that you are doing everything right on your iPhone. That’s because you have no idea of ​​the things you’re doing wrong, otherwise you would do them differently. But it is almost certain that you are doing some things wrong. But don’t worry! These iPhone tips will help you with that!

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1. Charge your iPhone to 100 percent

Of course, it seems very logical to charge your iPhone to 100 percent. That is precisely the reason that almost everyone does that. In fact, many people leave their iPhone on the charger all night. Still, it’s not a good idea to fully charge your iPhone.

iphone tips

The battery of your iPhone does not last forever and with every full charge, that lifespan only gets shorter. It is therefore better to charge your iPhone a little every time, than once a day completely. It is best to always keep your iPhone’s battery charge between 20 and 80 percent.

2. Close apps as much as possible

The second of this week’s iPhone tips is about closing apps. Many people constantly close all apps that are open because they think they take up memory and cause your battery to drain faster. An understandable reasoning, only the opposite is true.

iphone tips

It is the case that open apps are, as it were, frozen. Thus, they use no memory or energy at all. So there is no need to close them again and again. It is not even recommended, because closing and launching apps every time demands much more from the battery and the device. There are more advantages to restarting your iPhone about once a week.

Of course it can happen that an app hangs or no longer responds. Then it is of course smart to close an app manually.

3. Turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi (or not completely)

Every now and then you want to switch off Bluetooth and/or WiFi. It is then very obvious to open the Control Panel (swipe down from the top right of the screen) and switch off the connection with a single tap on the relevant icon. At least that’s how it seems. But appearances are deceiving.

bluetooth wi-fi

This way you don’t really switch off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, you only temporarily break the connection. You can only really turn it off via the Settings app. There you tap on ‘Wifi’ or ‘Bluetooth’ respectively and turn off the switch behind ‘Wifi’ or ‘Bluetooth’.

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