iPhone tips: you should never enable these features in iOS 17!

Your iPhone is packed with useful features, but there are also features that are actually just annoying in practice. In this week’s iPhone tips you can read which functions you should never enable!

You should never enable these functions!

Some features on your iPhone can be quite annoying when you turn them on. That is why it is better not to do that with the following settings. We show you three functions that actually only irritate.

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1. Dim flashing lights

We’ll start these iPhone tips with the Dim Flashing Lights feature. This function is intended for people with epilepsy who are sensitive to flashes of light. About five percent of all people with epilepsy suffer from it. That means there are a lot of people who can leave the feature turned off.

iPhone tips: you should never enable these features in iOS 17!

If you enable the function, flashing and flashing lights in movies will automatically dim. If you are not bothered by these flashes of light, then automatic dimming is just annoying. So the motto is not to switch it on. You can switch it off as follows:

  1. Open the Settings app;

  2. Tap ‘Accessibility’ then ‘Movement’;

  3. Disable the ‘Dim flashing lights’ option.

2. Download and save originals

Number two of these iPhone tips is about the Download and Save Originals feature. And that refers to the storage of photos you take on your iPhone. So you can choose to save all photos and videos in full resolution on your iPhone. However, this has the major disadvantage that it takes up a lot of storage space (depending on how many photos you take).

iphone tips

It is therefore better not to enable that function, but to opt for the Optimize iPhone Storage function. The original photos and videos are then automatically replaced by smaller versions. However, the original versions are still in your iCloud, so you can always download them from there. Check your choice in the following way:

  • Open the Settings app;
  • Scroll down a bit and tap ‘Photos’;
  • Make sure ‘Optimize iPhone Storage’ is checked.

3. Screen distance

We conclude this week’s iPhone tips with the iOS 17 Screen Distance feature. This should ensure that you do not hold your iPhone too close to your eyes. The feature is enabled by default for children under 13 in a Family Sharing group.

In this way it should help reduce eye strain and the risk of myopia. If you are long past that age, the function no longer makes much sense and is actually mainly annoying.

screen distance

Therefore, do not enable the option, or at least disable it again. You do the latter as follows:

  • Open the Settings app;
  • Tap ‘Screen Time’ then ‘Screen Distance’;
  • Turn off the switch behind ‘Screen distance’.

More iPhone tips?

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