Made by Google gets a podcast, led by a Dutchman

Made by Google gets a podcast, led by a Dutchman

Google is launching a new podcast called Made by Google. The podcast is led by the company’s Dutch PR man, Rachid Fingere. The first episode is all about smartphone cameras, which of course mainly revolves around the zoom function of the just announced Pixel 7 phones.

Made by Google

Google writes: “We start by looking at the pinnacle of what cameras can achieve today. We’ll start by asking why you’re willing to carry around a $10,000 camera. What makes it worth it? Are they file formats? Is it low light? Is it the frame rate? Is it the resolution? Is it the bit rate? Is it dynamic range? Is it the zoom? Is it creative ministry? What makes that device worth it?”

In the podcast you get a look behind the scenes at Google and you are informed in half an hour about why Google makes certain choices. In this episode Isaac Reynolds is interviewed: he is the product manager of the Pixel camera. It talks about the history of computer-aided photography and then zooms in more (sorry for the pun) on the possibilities that Google adds to the camera in its smartphone(s).

Pixel 7’s camera

The nice thing is that it doesn’t just focus on the present: it also gives a small insight into the future. Reynolds says, “What I’m most looking forward to is probably generative modeling and multi-camera fusion. We really showed with the latest generations of Pixel what generative models can do for face blur and Magic Eraser. And we showed what multi-camera fusion can do for Zoom, for Fusion Zoom and for Fusion Deblur, which we talked about today. I think you’re going to see more examples for use in those areas.”

A new one comes out every Thursday Made by Google podcast. The next one is about security. You can find the podcast on Google Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify and Pocket Casts.

Are you going to listen to him, this podcast? Leave it in the comments.

– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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