Major cities want to reduce maximum speed to 30 km/h

Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht want to reduce the maximum speed to 30 km/h on almost all roads in the city, can be read today in Algemeen Dagblad. The four cities have sent a fire letter to the outgoing cabinet and the second chamber.

Major cities want to reduce maximum speed to 30 km/h

It is already the case that in the four cities there is a maximum speed of 30 km/h on almost half of the roads, but because it is getting busier, that would no longer be sufficient, according to the cities.

For example, Amsterdam alderman Egbert de Vries says in the AD that 80 percent of traffic victims are injured on roads with a maximum speed of 50 km/h. “In the past we gave the car too much space in cities, now quality of life is paramount. If we want to better protect pedestrians and cyclists, we have to take action,” says De Vries.

According to the Road Safety Research Foundation, the number of road deaths among cyclists and pedestrians could be reduced by a fifth to a third if the speed limit is reduced from 50 km/h to 30 km/h on half of the roads.

– Thanks for information from Motorfreaks.

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