Corona was no longer a big issue for a long time. Now the curve is rising again, albeit from the very bottom. According to experts, there is no cause for concern. Nevertheless, some people should think about a corona booster vaccination.
The number of corona cases is increasing again. However, light and from a very low level. “There is no reason for concern,” said Mainz virologist Bodo Plachter to the German Press Agency. Due to a good immunity situation, the courses are usually easy. But it is also clear that there will be significantly more cases in autumn and winter. “Corona is now a disease that we have to live with and that occurs seasonally, like all other respiratory infections caused by viruses,” said the acting director of the Institute of Virology at the University Medical Center Mainz.
Can you still get seriously ill with Corona?
Even in the third year with the corona virus, there are severe courses. Especially in people with previous illnesses, explains the Mainz virologist Bodo Plachter. An infection can also be life-threatening for older people who have not yet been vaccinated. “The virus itself hasn’t really weakened in the last few months. Instead, we have positioned ourselves better against it,” says the expert. In children, the infection is usually “relatively mild”.
Who should refresh their corona vaccination?
For members of risk groups, it makes sense to think about a booster vaccination in the fall. A booster vaccination is recommended by the Standing Vaccination Committee (Stiko) at the Robert Koch Institute for the following groups:
- people over 60 years of age
- People with certain pre-existing conditions from the age of six months
- People at increased risk of becoming seriously ill or infected
- nursing and health workers
- relatives of risk patients
At least twelve months should usually have passed since the last vaccination or infection.
Who is no longer recommended a (refresher) vaccination?
- The booster vaccination is no longer recommended for healthy adults under the age of 60 and pregnant women.
However, all people between the ages of 18 and 59 should have basic immunity against SARS-CoV-2. Basic immunity is achieved after three vaccinations against Covid-19, or two vaccinations plus an infection with the virus.
- Stiko no longer recommends primary immunization and boosters for healthy infants, children and adolescents.
What vaccines will there be in the fall?
Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) recently announced at the Platform X, formerly Twitter, indicate that the adapted vaccines will probably be in practices from September 18th. According to Carsten Watzl, Secretary General of the German Society for Immunology, one can wait for the new vaccines. In the eyes of the immunologist, it would be beneficial if the EG.5 variant remained dominant, since the spike protein is very similar to that of XBB.1.5. This is the variant to which the Pfizer/Biontech vaccine, for example, was adapted.
When should you get vaccinated?
The Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of Health, Clemens Hoch, is advising certain population groups to refresh their corona vaccinations from October. “From October – i.e. at the beginning of the cold season – I recommend that vulnerable groups over the age of 60 receive a booster vaccination against the corona virus in addition to the flu vaccination,” emphasized Hoch.
That’s not to say that everyone should necessarily have a refresher as early as October. It is important to refresh for the expected high phase of infectious diseases in January and February.
What autumn brings
Forecasts about the course of flu and corona waves are difficult. Viruses evolve. The timing and extent of their circulation are also influenced by many different parameters, as the RKI explains. However, Corona has also caused strong waves of illness, especially in autumn and winter. “Therefore, an increase in the number of cases in these times of the year can also be expected in the future,” said the RKI.
Hospital society advises flu vaccination
The CEO of the German Hospital Society, Gerald Gaß, expects further catch-up effects from other respiratory diseases in autumn and winter, as in previous years. He therefore appeals to people to get vaccinated against flu in order to avert possible burdens for the hospitals:
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