Need a student and money? Get started with these side jobs apps

There is no shortage of job apps, but which one should you have? In this article you will find an overview of good applications for finding a (side) job.

Vacancy apps for finding a job or side job

Are you looking for a job, for example because you lost your previous job due to the coronavirus? That can still be quite difficult. In this article, we therefore list a few handy vacancy apps that will help you in your search. There are both very general and more specific (youth-oriented) apps, so there is undoubtedly one that suits you.

1. Career sites with an app

First, of course, you have the classic job board: companies post their vacancy here to which you respond. The advantage of such job websites is the general offer. If you do not yet know exactly what you want to do, you can use these kinds of apps and sites to see the cat out of the tree: what kind of jobs and sectors are there actually?

The advantage of this kind of side job apps is also the disadvantage: the offer is very general, so a lot of vacancies probably don’t apply to you. However, it is an excellent way to orientate yourself on the labor market for (side) jobs.

Most major job boards have an iPhone app in addition to a website. Below are some well-known parties listed for you:

2. Student side jobs apps

In addition to the large, more general vacancy apps, there are also parties that specifically target pupils and students. Through these platforms you can earn extra money in the catering industry, meal delivery, or, for example, as a promotion employee.

A well-known vacancy app is YoungCapital, which has offices throughout the Netherlands. If you want to work at YoungCapital, you first apply at the branch in your area, after which you start working for the ‘customer’ via this agency, for example at a customer service or hotel.

Other job apps, such as NowJobs, work completely digitally. You create a profile, search for suitable vacancies, apply and get to work. As the name suggests, this app is especially useful when you need money right away, because in theory you can get started the same day after registration.

If you are good with children, you should check out Bsit, an app that links parents to babysitters. You can work at a babysitting address on a one-off or on a permanent basis. Building a network does take time, because Bsit is mainly about recommendations. So you have to provide good word of mouth to get a job.

3. Freelance Job Apps

Are you really good at drawing, can you code like the best or excel at video editing? Then you might want to work as a freelancer. Fortunately, there are more than enough apps and websites that offer interesting jobs.

The best known platform for freelance assignments is Fiverr. Whatever your expertise, you can get paid for your services through this website. Keep in mind that Fiverr is very international and the competition is therefore considerable.

Can you pour a beer with exactly two fingers of foam, are you a hard worker and also self-employed? Then Temper may be something for you, a platform full of catering and retail jobs.

You decide when and for how much money you get started. Don’t forget that you are an independent entrepreneur at Temper and that involves risks and responsibilities, such as paying sales tax.

You can also get started as a freelancer via YoungOnes. Like Temper, this vacancy app mainly focuses on daytime work. This allows students to quickly and easily get started as a freelancer. This is where the aforementioned responsibilities of being your own boss come into play.

4. Other Job Apps

There is work everywhere. You can also score a great job on platforms on which you might not expect it. For example, take a look at Marktplaats. There are more than enough vacancies on the largest market in the Netherlands, although the offer differs greatly per location.

You can also score a great side job via social media. On Facebook, it pays especially to keep an eye on specific job boards in your area. Many places have a[Plaatsnaam] vacancies” or “Work in [plaatsnaam”-pagina waarop banen worden aangeboden.

Hetzelfde geldt voor Instagram. Bedrijven die jongeren willen aannemen zijn in toenemende mate ook op Insta te vinden met hun vacatures. Tijdens het scrollen door je feed kom je zodoende wellicht een leuke (bij)baan tegen.

Wie wil bijverdienen in de journalistiek, communicatie en media doet er verstandig aan regelmatig op Twitter rond te kijken, omdat hier veel vakgenoten aanwezig zijn die vacatures delen.

Terug naar school met iPhoned

Augustus loopt op z’n eind en dat betekent dat de scholen overal weer gaan beginnen. De hele maand staat iPhoned daarom in het teken van het Back to School-thema.

We hebben onder meer geschreven over de beste concentratie-apps om ongestoord huiswerk te maken, keken welke studentenkorting-apps er zijn en hielpen je bij het kiezen van een MacBook voor je studie.

De maand is nog niet voorbij, dus de komende dagen komen er meer handige artikelen voor het nieuwe schooljaar bij. Bovendien maak je nog steeds kans op die rugzak gevuld met Apple-spullen ter waarde van 1059 euro, dus doe mee aan onze Back to School-winactie! Hoe je dit doet, zie je in de video hieronder.

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