Overheated Apple Watch? This way you keep your watch cool

You may like the sun, but your Apple Watch certainly doesn’t. In this article, we provide tips to keep your Apple smartwatch cool and prevent overheating.

This way you prevent an Apple Watch from overheating

When the mercury in the Netherlands rises above 30 degrees Celsius, you hear a lot of people complaining about the heat. Not only people have a hard time: a lot of electronic equipment is also not made for these types of temperatures. An Apple Watch also sometimes gets too hot underfoot.

apple watch rings lockdown

Apple watches work best in temperatures between 0 and 35 degrees Celsius. When the Apple Watch receives direct sunlight, or is, for example, in an enclosed space, it overheats. Is the Watch getting too hot underfoot? Then you will notice that immediately.

Initially, the Apple Watch tries to cool down by dissipating the internal heat. The watch does this by making the processor work less hard. Your watch may therefore respond slower to touches and it may take longer to charge, for example. Apps may also work less smoothly than you are used to.

My Apple Watch has overheated, now what?

Do you see a red thermostat appear on the screen and does your Apple Watch no longer work? Then he is overheated. Very annoying of course, but your watch does not just do this. The Apple Watch’s security mechanism has been activated to prevent possible damage. This ‘limiter’ ensures that the watch does not get too hot and parts may melt.

The emergency measure also ensures that your battery does not get into heat problems. When your Apple Watch has overheated, make sure it cools down as soon as possible. You do this by following the steps below.

1. Take off the watch

If you’re wearing the Apple Watch when it overheats, it’s important to take it off as soon as possible. Is the watch currently charging? Then take the watch off the charger.

2. Cool down

Keep your Apple Watch in a cool place, preferably indoors. Do not place your watch in the fridge or freezer, because a sudden temperature change is also not good for the battery. Instead, put your warm Apple Watch on the table indoors, for example.

3. Remove protective case

Is there a protective cover on your Apple Watch? Then temporarily remove it. Cases made of plastic (plastic) in particular can retain a lot of heat, so that the heat cannot be dissipated as well. This is of course not useful with an overheated Apple Watch.

Prevent an overheated Apple Watch

Then let your Apple Watch cool down by simply leaving it alone. As soon as the smart watch has returned to a pleasant temperature, it will automatically switch on again. From that moment on, it is important to take precautions so that your Apple Watch does not overheat again.

1. Do not wear in the sun

An Apple watch cannot withstand too much heat, just like people. It is therefore wise not to wear an Apple Watch (too much) in bright and direct sunlight.

It is of course not a problem if you wear the watch during a short lunch walk, but if you spend hours on end in the warm air, it is wise to store the Apple Watch in a cool place.

2. Do not use a counterfeit charger

In addition, don’t use a fake charger to power your Apple Watch. Counterfeit chargers sometimes emit too high voltages, causing the Apple smartwatch to take in too much power to process. The consequence? A watch that warms up (too) quickly.

In addition, make sure that the (original) Apple Watch charger has enough space and does not get jammed. When the cable has been double buildings a few times, the ends come into contact with each other. This may make the cable too hot underfoot.

3. Store in a cool place

The Apple Watch is an ideal smartwatch for sports enthusiasts. For example, you can swim with it. If you prefer not to wear the watch while exercising, it is important to find a cool and safe storage place. For example, are you on the beach? Then store the Apple Watch in a bag and find a place with shelter to put the bag.

Helpful Apple summer tips

Apple devices don’t like heat and water can also be stolen from them. On iPhone we will therefore help you through the summer with handy tips for all your Apple products. For example, read our guide on what to do if your iPhone has suffered water damage. And do you want to relax completely this summer, without distractions? Check out our article with tips for distracting smartphones.

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