Panic: you will lose these iPhone functions with iOS 16

You may not expect it, but with the update to iOS 16 you will lose several iPhone functions. Which ones exactly are tells iPhoned you!

iOS 16: You’ll Lose These iPhone Features

Are you looking forward to iOS 16? We also! There is a big but: you not only get functions, a number of things also disappear. In this article we show you four functions that you will soon lose in iOS 16. Attention! At this point, iOS 16 is still in beta, so Apple may still tweak these features.

1. Live Wallpapers are gone in iOS 16 on iPhone

In iOS 15, Apple gives you several Live Wallpapers that you can set. These wallpapers move when you hold down the finger on the screen. Sadly, these Apple wallpapers are gone in iOS 16.

iOS 16 live wallpapers

Live wallpapers can no longer be used in iOS 16. By holding down your finger on the lock screen in iOS 16, you can now open the lock screen settings.

Read more: Moving wallpaper as wallpaper on iPhone – download and set

2. You hardly see the open lock anymore

When you unlock the iPhone, you will see an open lock on the lock screen. In iOS 16, this open lock has disappeared and you will lose this function. You only get to see the (now even smaller) lock if you lock the iPhone and immediately unlock it.

iOS 16 disappeared lock function

3. Battery percentage is (partially) gone

When you start charging your iPhone in iOS 15, you will immediately see the battery percentage. If you tap the screen while charging, the battery percentage will appear. If you do this in iOS 16, you will no longer see a percentage. This can be solved by manually adding the battery widget to the lockscreen in iOS 16.

4. Adjustments to Apple Music

When you play music in Apple Music, you’ll see a small dot that lets you adjust the volume or scroll through the song. In iOS 16 these dots are gone. This will make it more difficult to adjust the volume or skip through a song.

Lost features in iOS 16: not so bad

As you can see, it’s just minor features that are gone in iOS 16. The feature we miss the most at the moment are the live wallpapers. Of course, you get a lot of extra features in iOS 16 in return. Perhaps Apple will change this, as iOS 16 is currently still in beta.

Read more: 19 secret iOS 16 features you need to know

Apple Music iOS 16

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