Do you often sit at your desk or dining table like a slumped salt bag? Do you want to change this? All you need is your iPhone, your AirPods and the Posture Pal app. Read in this article about how this app improves your posture.
Sit correctly with Posture Pal and your AirPods
We have a lot going on in our lives. But there is also an app on the market for that. Posture Pal mainly focuses on correct posture of your neck and shoulders. It does not matter whether you sit or stand. The app measures the angle of your head via the movement sensors in your AirPods and sends this data to your iPhone. There, on the app, you see Rafi the Giraffewhich mimics your posture.
Are you bagging too much? Then your iPhone screen turns red and the giraffe doesn’t look so happy. Are you sitting correctly? Then Posture Pal is happy with your posture (or: the angle of your AirPods) and there is nothing to worry about.
The motion sensors that make this app work can be found in the AirPods (third generation), AirPods Pro, AirPods Max and Beats Fit Pro. Other headphones that can send motion data to your iPhone also work with this app. These sensors were originally intended for the technology behind Spatial Audio.

How do you improve your posture with your AirPods?
The app can be used for free for 10 minutes per day. If you deposit two euros once, you can sit up straight and adjust various settings. This way you can make the iPhone vibrate when you collapse. The app works on different levels of sensitivity. Posture Pal also stays on in the background and supports a whopping 18 languages. Dutch is also included.
The app is unfortunately not perfect. The measuring equipment in your AirPods only measures the angle of your head. If you look straight up, but sit with your back enormously arched, Posture Pal will not notice via the AirPods that your body position is incorrect. But of course, if you do, you’re only fooling yourself!
The creator of Posture Pal
The developer of the app is Jordi Bruin, a Dutchman from the company ‘Good Snooze’. This creator has also launched ‘Navi’, for live subtitling and translations, among others. ‘SooSee’ is also an interesting app. This scans packaging for your allergies. This way you never have to search the back of products from the supermarket for more than an hour and a half for usability.
If you download the new Posture Pal app, the proceeds will go to the family of the intern van Bruin in the first few weeks. These are of Ukrainian origin and have fled because of the invasion of Russia.