Read government mail with the Berichtenbox app for iOS

From now on you will never have to miss messages from government agencies. With the new Berichtenbox app, you can check government mail from your iPhone. The app is now available for iOS.

Message box app available for iOS

Physical letters from the government are falling on the mat less and less often. Instead, mail from, for example, the Tax Authorities or your municipality is increasingly being sent as a digital message to your Message Box. These messages can be found on the MijnOverheid site, but it is not (yet) used regularly enough by many Dutch people.

Last year, for example, there were only 6.6 million activated MijnOverheid accounts. Moreover, more and more people do not even read these digital letters, one at the time showed report of the National Ombudsman.

Reason enough for Logius, the government’s digital service, to develop a Berichtenbox app. According to Logius, the chance that you will still miss a message is much smaller. As soon as you receive a message from a government agency, you will receive a notification.

App will be expanded in the future

To use the app, you must link your DigiD account once. Then you set a pin code, so that others cannot just access your mail. You have to enter this every time you open the app.

Currently, the Berichtenbox app is still quite simple. You can view post and share or copy posts to other apps. In this first version it is not yet possible to delete messages, or to indicate which organizations are allowed to send digital mail.

For the time being, this can only be done via the MijnOverheid website. Nevertheless, we can expect such functions in the future. Logius promises to regularly add new functions via updates.

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