Recurring issues with At a Glance as Google Weather widget breaks

Recurring issues with At a Glance as Google Weather widget breaks

In September, Google Weather got a new Material You design. Shortly after this update, however, a peculiar bug appeared that caused the old UI to load when you clicked on the At a Glance widget . This has thankfully been fixed today, but there are still other bugs.

Recurring Problems

In 2021, all Google apps will be redesigned in the Material You style, but Google Weather will take a little longer. The first version of the new design appeared in May and was then widely rolled out in September. However, it didn’t take long for a problem to emerge. Back in November, there was a bug where pressing the temperature in the At a Glance widget would open the old Google Weather interface. The problem was initially resolved, but then returned.

This bug has been an issue for two months, but it was finally fixed this afternoon. The fix for the At a Glance widget is via a server-side update and is only available to beta users for now. The solution has been noticed by several people in the 13.4 beta version of the Google app.

Still not quite right

Unfortunately, this bug was not the only common problem. The 4×2 Weather widget is still broken. Tapping on the rectangular shape does absolutely nothing. The elongated 3×3 version will continue to open Google Weather.

Finally, Google still hasn’t solved the wrong two-day forecast problem. In the screenshots below you can see that ‘Monday’ actually refers to the minimum and maximum temperatures for Tuesday, while ‘Tuesday’ is the forecast for Wednesday. This bug has been around since late October.

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– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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