Regeneration after sport: This is how you recover well

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Regeneration after sport is healthy and makes your training more effective. We will show you how you can best recover after exercising.

Recovery after exercise is very important. Not only do your muscles grow during the break, without rest periods between training sessions you can also become more susceptible to injuries. Muscles usually take between 48 and 96 hours to fully recover. With our tips, you can help your muscles regenerate after exercise and, for example, avoid sore muscles.

By the way: Don’t forget to warm up well before exercising and then cool down again afterwards. You can find more helpful tips here:

  • Warm up before exercise: exercises to warm up
  • Cooldown: This is how you really warm up

Regeneration after sport: the right diet

Nuts and other protein-rich foods can help with post-exercise recovery.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / ExplorerBob)

After exercising, it is very important to drink enough water. You should also not make the mistake of not eating anything afterwards, otherwise your body may react with delayed regeneration. However, you should favor nutrient-dense foods when eating after exercise.

It is advisable to consume protein-rich foods after training. You should also eat carbohydrates to replenish your glycogen stores. The combination of proteins and carbohydrates is intended to support regeneration after exercise. Foods with a lot of vegetable protein are, for example, nuts, seeds, legumes and soy products. Foods that contain antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties – for example berries – and spices such as cinnamon, ginger or turmeric can also prevent muscle pain.

The results of a recent study also suggest that almonds can help against sore muscles.

Relaxation and sleep help to regenerate

Sufficient sleep is necessary for regeneration after sport.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Claudio_Scott)

You can also support your muscles in their regeneration after exercise from the outside. A massage can help against sore muscles. A sauna session or a warm bath can also be very beneficial for pain.

Getting enough sleep is also essential for your body to recover. Because lack of sleep can negatively affect the regeneration of the muscles.

The right training plan

Incidentally, the fact that your muscles have to regenerate does not mean that you have to do without sports completely during regeneration. You can customize your training plan to only focus on a specific body part. For example, if you have sore muscles after your leg workout the next day, it is a good idea to stretch your back and take it easy on your legs.


  • Vegan diet and sport: is that possible?
  • Training with sore muscles: does it make sense?
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