The first results of a study show that the Apple Watch and other wearables can detect the long-term effects of Covid-19.
‘Apple Watch can register Covid-19 symptoms’
Since the start of the corona pandemic, researchers have been testing whether wearables such as those from Fitbit and Apple play a role in signaling symptoms. Previous studies mainly focused on infection signals, but a new study focuses on the period after an infection.
The investigation of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in California sounds promising. The study ran from March 25, 2020 to January 24, 2021 and used the data of more than 37,000 people with a Fitbit, Apple Watch or other wearable.

This already showed in October that the data collected by these wearables provides a more accurate picture of a Covid-19 infection than purely and solely looking at symptoms. A second study focused specifically on the aftermath of a corona infection.
It now appears that the consequences are accurately mapped by these wearables. People with ‘long covid’ (as this long-term version of covid-19 is also called) show completely different statistics than before the infection.
Visible difference in ‘lung covid patients’
“There is a big change in the resting heart rhythm, we also see drastic changes in the number of steps taken and the sleep rhythm of these people,” said Jennifer Radin, epidemiologist at Scripps.
For example, the study shows that the heart rhythm decreased nine days after the infection. After this dip, the rhythm rose again and remained higher than average for up to 79 days. Only after this 79th day did the heartbeat return to its normal rhythm. At 14 percent, the rhythm even remained elevated for more than 133 days. Returning to a normal sleep and movement rhythm also took much longer than with comparable illnesses.
Although the study has not yet been completed, the researchers are optimistic. Follow-up studies in the coming months should provide more clarity about the role wearables may play in identifying covid-19 side effects.