The Hwinfo system overview shows all important components of the computer, such as processor, motherboard and graphic card.
Dennis Gandasoebrata
For a complete insight into the parts from which the computer is built, you can use the free Hwinfo. A portable version of the software is also available that you do not have to install. The system overview shows you all the important components of the computer. Think of things such as processor, motherboard and graphic card.
For more data, click the system overview and view the main window. The hardware components are listed on the left. Click on a part to view the details: these appear on the right. Hwinfo also comes in handy if you want to upgrade your computer or compare systems with each other. You can turn the system into a report and determine yourself which parts must be included in the report. Via the option Sensor View the current measurement data of the system, including the processor, the memory and the network. Place the mouse on a part to read more about this.
Hwinfo distinguishes itself from similar programs by supporting add-ons, which you find on the website. This allows you to make links with other tools and expand the functionality. For example, an enthusiastic developer has made a link with Elgato Stream Deck, with which you can share your computer values ​​in your video stream in real time with the outside world.
Product: Hwinfo (www.hwinfo.com)
Price: Free
System requirements: Windows 10, Windows 11
Language: English