Samsung Galaxy S23: weak opponent or real competitor?

Samsung has officially announced the presentation of the Samsung Galaxy S23 series. What will the iPhone competitor look like?

Samsung Galaxy S23 presentation on February 1

Curious how Samsung’s iPhone competitor, the Galaxy S23, will look like this year? Then you don’t have to wait long, because Samsung has announced that it will present the new S23 series on February 1.

The series is expected to consist of three smartphones: the ‘regular’ S23, the S23 Plus and the S23 Ultra. The last name is of course familiar to us. Here’s what you need to know about Samsung’s new smartphone.

Also read: iPhone 15 Ultra concept: will it be the best iPhone ever?

No own chip and no new design for S23 series

The new S23 series is reportedly no longer equipped with Samsung’s own Exynos chip. Instead, Samsung is now opting worldwide for the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, a chip from Qualcomm. However, this chip is not as fast as Apple’s A16. This chip is incorporated in the iPhone 14 Pro, among others.

In terms of design, the Samsung S23 does not change much compared to the S22. The front remains almost the same, but there are some changes to see at the back. For example, the cameras are no longer placed in an island, but are, as it were, glued loosely to the housing. The phones will most likely be released in white, pink, black and dark green.

Screen dimensions and a very good camera

The three models each have a different screen size. The regular S23 has a screen size of 6.1 inches, the Galaxy S23 Plus has a 6.6 inch display and the Galaxy S23 Ultra has a 6.8 inch screen. The Ultra is expected to have a built-in smart pen, with which you can make digital notes on the phone.

The smartphones are equipped with pretty good cameras. The S23 and S23 Plus get a 50-megapixel camera, while the S23 Ultra gets a camera with no less than 200 megapixels. That is considerably more than the 48-megapixel camera of the iPhone 14 Pro.

Samsung Galaxy S23: weak opponent or real competitor?

Samsung also comes with a satellite function

It is striking that Samsung also comes with a satellite function – comparable to the SOS function of the iPhone 14 – in the new S23 series. That may be the reason why Samsung did not opt ​​for its own chip, but for Qualcomm’s. Qualcomm works together with Iridium, a satellite company.

Also read: iPhone 14 satellite function starts in the US – when will the Netherlands follow?

Whether the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra will actually become a formidable competitor for the iPhone remains to be seen. The phone has a less powerful chip, but the camera is expected to be better. Do you want to follow the presentation on February 1? Then check our colleagues at Android Planet for the latest news!

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