Health & Medicine

6 tips to get up immediately in the morning

As a morning grouch, every morning and every alarm ring is a new challenge. We show you how you can counteract the bad mood...

Binding protein of the new corona virus decrypted

3D structure of the spike protein from the new coronavirus Sars-CoV-2. (Image: Jason McLellan / University of Texas at Austin) In order to penetrate human...

Dog noses are said to save the oranges

A beagle looks into a citrus tree. (Image: Gavin Poole) Is this orange tree infected? Dogs can obviously smell that: Researchers have shown the potential...

Chemical earmuffs for hearing loss

Noise can damage your hearing in the long term. (Image: peterscode / istock) Whether in the disco, on the street or even at work: Many...

What to do about the spread of the coronavirus?

Spread of the new corona virus. (Image: Sinenkiy / iStock) Health authorities around the world are trying to curb the spread of the new corona...

Cancer: On the trail of deadly immortality

The preservation of the end structures of the chromosomes - highlighted here in yellow - forms the prerequisite for the immortality of tumor cells...

Hope in the fight against blindness

Millions of people worldwide are affected by age-related macular degeneration. (Image: Ababsolutum / istock) Researchers have made a breakthrough in researching one of the most...

Testosterone: gender-specific risks

Human hormone levels have complex effects. (Evgeny Gromov / iStock) It is considered the male hormone, but women also make testosterone - a healthy level...

Our residents reveal our age

A colorful microbial society lives in and on us. (Image: jamesbenet / iStock) Age signature in the bacterial structure: Researchers use the characteristics of the...

Antibiotics with a new mechanism of action

Many disease-causing bacteria are immune to common antibiotics. (Image: Dr_Microbe / istock) The world needs new antibiotics: In view of the increasing resistance problem, the...

Our asymmetrical brain is not unique

Gorillas have an asymmetrical brain similar to ours. (Image: Freder / iStock) Our brain is asymmetrical: both the halves of the brain differ slightly from...

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