Psychology & Sociology

Masks: Can we still read faces?

The facial mask shows little of the facial expressions of the perception psychologist Claus-Christian Carbons. (Image: Otto Friedrich University Bamberg) They are supposed to prevent...

Pioneer in the fight against racism

Nikolai Miklucho-Maclay (left) and Ernst Haeckel (right) in the 1860s. (Photo: Hoßfeld Collection) He spoke against racism with scientific arguments as early as the 19th...

Science: same data – different results?

Brain imaging using functional resonance imaging. (Image: akesak / iStock) Science thrives on critical self-control - results and analyzes should be reproducible. Scientists have now...

Can birds dance? The sense of rhythm and music is innate to us. But parrot birds are also surprisingly musical, as the example of "Snowball" shows. The...

Early character has a lasting impact

If children show very careful, fearful and evasive behavior, one speaks of an inhibition of behavior. (Photo: NiDerLander / iStock) Careful and shy: Some toddlers...

The professional world of the future

The professional world is changing above all due to advances in robotics and artificial intelligence. But which occupations will be added and which will...

Rats smell needy fellows

Social rodents: rats are clever, compassionate and helpful. (Image: Argument / iStock) Rats apparently have a nose for hunger: the rodents use olfactory clues to...

Social life shapes women’s brains differently

The social environment is reflected differently in the brain in women than in men. (Image: Vectorstory / istock) Man is a social being - and...

Babies already understand grammar

Babies have a good grasp of grammar early on. (Photo: FatCamera / istock) It doesn't work without grammar: when we speak, we don't just string...

Online videos: Success prediction via brain scan

What is going on in our heads when watching online videos? (AntonioGuillem / iStock) Researchers report that certain signatures of the brain activity of viewers...

Are dogs exceptionally intelligent?

Dogs are clever - but not exceptional animal geniuses (Image: RichLegg / iStock) Greetings from Lassie - dogs are considered unusually clever animals and studies...

Nudging: Smart Push or Manipulation? Psychological tricks are intended to move citizens to the desired behavior - for example, when it comes to nutrition or organ donation. A video...

How does music make you happy?

Listening to music makes you happy - but why? (Image: martin-dm / istock) If the right song is on the radio, it can put us...

The eventful history of yodelling

Yodel singer at the Aelplerfest in the Swiss Simmental. (Image: kbwills / iStock) Yodelling is trendy: even in the big cities, this alpine singing form...

Lots of sex – later menopause

In the second third of life, the menopause ends the fertility of women. (Image: AMR Image / iStock) It is largely a matter of disposition...

Science – successes and limits at a glance

Successes and limits of science become particularly clear in the historical review. (Image: rifonov_Evgeniy / iStock) We want to fathom, understand - know! This scientific...

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