Almost four in ten Dutch people check their mobile phone while watching TV. This is according to a study by pricewise† In addition, many people also like to watch TV during dinner.
Suddenly everyone can multitask
Multitasking, the Dutch can just do it. For example, almost four in ten Dutch (38%) scrolls on their mobile phone while watching TV. Three in ten (30%) Dutch people watch TV during dinner.
Generation Z takes the cake, according to the research: “More than half of this group, no less than 55%, say that they often use their mobile phone while watching TV.” Baby boomers are the least distracted by the smartphone while watching TV at only 20%.
Watching TV during dinner
Having a conversation over dinner will not be an option in many households. The research showed that three in ten Dutch people eat their food in the evening on the couch with the TV on. “Generation Z takes the cake here too: 37% of this group indicates that they dine in front of the TV. Millennials follow immediately after this group, 36% of whom eat on the couch in front of the TV in the evening.”
How about you? Do you watch TV during dinner? And do you grab your smartphone after dinner while the TV is on? Let us know in the comments below this article.

– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source