Set up and use Night Shift on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

The blue light from a smartphone, computer or tablet is one of the factors that can take care of it that you sleep worse. Thanks to Night Shift for iPhone, iPad and Mac you can reduce blue light.

And that is important, because the blue light makes you produce less melatonin, which makes it harder for you to fall asleep and you sleep less deeply. Night mode is a filter that reduces the blue light from the screen with a yellow glow. It is therefore recommended to use this option.

Set up Night Shift on an iPhone or iPad

  • Open the Settings app
  • Navigate to ‘Screen & Brightness’
  • Tap ‘Night Shift’
Set up and use Night Shift on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

You now have the choice to manually enable Night Shift, using the switch next to ‘Turn on manually until tomorrow’. At the bottom you can adjust the intensity of the light via the ‘Color temperature’ slider. Instantly adjusts the intensity of your screen’s blue light when night mode is active.

Enable Night Shift on a Mac

A Mac can also use Night Shift, you can find the supporting devices here back. Go to  ▸ System Settings (System Preferences) ▸ Display(s) ▸ Night Shift. Just like with an iPhone or iPad, you can manually enable the option until tomorrow and adjust the color temperature with a sliding switch.

Schedule Night Shift automatically

It is best to use Night Shift automatically by means of a schedule. Via the ‘Scheduled’ option you can activate the mode automatically from sunset to sunrise. Then select the option ‘Sun down to sun up’

Night Shift iPhone

It is also possible to use a schedule so that Night Shift is switched on and off at times of your choice.

Manage night mode via the control panel

It is possible to manually switch Night Shift on or off via the control panel. Useful if you temporarily do not want to use the option, for example while editing photos. Open Control Center on your iPhone or iPad and press and hold the brightness switch. Tap the Night Shift icon to enable or disable the feature.

Manage night mode via the control panel

From macOS Big Sur, you can also use the Control Center and manage Night Shift by clicking on ‘Display’. On previous versions of macOS, you can turn Night Mode on and off by swiping down the Notification Center.

Night mode cannot be used after sunset

If you are unable to activate Night Shift automatically between sunset and sunrise, you can solve this via Settings â–¸ Privacy â–¸ Location Services â–¸ System â–¸ Enable the ‘Set time zone’ option here.

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