Share and edit files via OneDrive

Share and edit files via OneDrive

Easily share files with others with OneDrive. This way you can work with different people on one document. Handy if, for example, you want to compose a party song with a number of people.

In this tip we take the web version of OneDrive as a starting point. Anyone can view files via the web version. Anyone who also wants to edit files via OneDrive needs a Microsoft account.

  • Go to the website of OneDrive and log in.
  • Click on the icon of the nine blocks at the top and click on OneDrive.
  • Click in the menu bar at the top upload.
  • click on Files.
  • In the dialog box that opens, select the appropriate file and click To open.
  • A progress window appears at the top right. This will disappear once your file has been uploaded. The file is now on OneDrive. You can see it in the overview.
  • In OneDrive, hover over the file you want to share.
  • Click on the circle that appears in front of the file to select it.
  • Several options appear in the menu bar. click on To share.
  • A pop-up window will appear. Finch Allow editing on or off. It depends on whether you want to work on the document together. Don’t see this? First click on Anyone with this link can edit/view this item.

    OneDrive file sharing

  • Share the file directly via email, or receive the link to the file so that you can share it in other ways (e.g. in a chat conversation). We choose Email.
  • Enter the recipient’s email address in the “Enter a name or email address” field. You can enter multiple addresses, separate the addresses with a semicolon (;). click on Send.
  • click on Copy link to get a url of the file. You can distribute these in a chat or in an existing email exchange.

This way you can show everyone your documents. Those you invite will receive an email with a link to the document. When they click the link, they see the document.

While sharing the file, you could indicate whether the recipient can only view the file or also edit it. If you want to change these permissions or remove access to the document completely, you can do this as follows:

  • Move the mouse pointer over the file.
  • Click on the circle that appears in the top right corner of the file.
  • At the top right, click the circle icon with an i in it.
  • Under ‘Has access’, click Manage access.
  • Under the person’s name, click Can edit or Can display.
  • Choose the right option: Change to view only or Stop sharing. To ensure that the other person can edit the file again, choose Allow editing.

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