Share documents via WhatsApp


With WhatsApp, images are of course easy to share with others, but you can also easily send documents and PDF files to contacts.

Sometimes it is useful to share a document, such as a PDF file, with others. For example, forward e-tickets for a performance to the person you are going with. So that you both have the tickets. Sending a file is easy in WhatsApp.

  • Tap on chats.
  • Tap the chat conversation where you want to send a document.
  • Tap the plus sign to the left of the text box.
  • Tap on Document.
  • Tap the location where the document is saved, for example iCloud Drive.
  • Scroll to the desired document and tap it. Documents that are gray cannot be sent.
  • In the pop-up that appears, tap Send.

  • Tap the tab chats.
  • Tap the chat conversation where you want to send a document.
  • Tap the paper clip.
  • Tap on Documents).
  • A list of PDFs and documents present on the device opens. Is the document you want to send not listed? Then tap at the top Browse other documents and then the location where the document is saved, that is, for example, Recent, Google Drive or Downloads.
  • Tap the desired document. You cannot send documents that are gray.
  • Tap on Send.

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